Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/master/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 1.1.0, see this GitHub milestone.
Upgrade instructions is provided in the changelog of the release: https://docs.janusgraph.org/master/changelog/#upgrade-instructions
- Inlining vertex properties into a Composite Index to improve vertex properties fetching performance
- BerkeleyJE ability to overwrite arbitrary settings applied at
creation - Ability to define and initialize schema in JSON format
- Batched Queries Enhancement: Introduction of
- Batch Query Optimizations Now Support Traversals Containing the
Step - Transaction configuration to enable lazy loading for relations
- Text predicates support extended for remote connections
- Vertex mutation optimizations
- Apache Cassandra 3.11.10, 4.0.6
- Apache HBase 2.6.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- ScyllaDB 6.2.0
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.17.8, 8.15.3
- Apache Lucene 8.11.1
- Apache Solr 8.11.1
- Apache TinkerPop 3.7.3
- Java 8, 11
- Cassandra 4.0.6
- Elasticsearch 7.17.8
$ git shortlog -sn v1.0.1..v1.1.0
23 Oleksandr Porunov
10 Florian Hockmann
9 Natalia Tisseyre
7 Jan Jansen
6 Boxuan Li
3 Allan Clements
3 Clement de Groc
2 Dylan Werner-Meier
2 Tiến Nguyễn Khắc
1 Eric Cheng
1 Fiete Ostkamp
1 Roberto Perdisci
1 Zhang Hongjiang
1 pm-osc *
1 toom *
* denotes first-time contributor
// excluding dependabot and merging same authors' statistics
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/v1.0/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 1.0.1, see this GitHub milestone.
- Apache Cassandra 3.11.10, 4.0.6
- Apache HBase 2.5.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- ScyllaDB 5.1.4
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.17.8, 8.15.3
- Apache Lucene 8.11.1
- Apache Solr 8.11.1
- Apache TinkerPop 3.7.3
- Java 8, 11
$ git shortlog -sn v1.0.0..v1.0.1
9 Oleksandr Porunov
8 Florian Hockmann
7 Jan Jansen
5 Boxuan Li
2 Clement de Groc
2 Dylan Werner-Meier *
1 Eric Cheng *
1 Fiete Ostkamp *
1 Roberto Perdisci *
1 Tiến Nguyễn Khắc *
1 Zhang Hongjiang *
1 ntisseyre *
* denotes first-time contributor
Version 1.0.0 (October 21, 2023)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 1.0.0, see this GitHub milestone.
Notable new features
- Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.7.0
- Support for Cassandra 4
- (Official) support for Java 11
- Cache performance improvements
- Upgrade to Log4j2
- Use mixed indices for numeric aggregations (min(), max(), mean(), sum())
- Support TEXTSTRING mapping in Solr
- New graph API to evaluate Gremlin scripts if JanusGraph is used embedded
- ConfiguredGraphFactory can now create different indexes for different graphs in Elasticsearch
- Add management API to remove ghost vertices
- Add possibility to remove stale graph index entries
- Improved support for Geoshapes in GraphBinary
- Remove dependency on cassandra-all
- Support TTL for CQL backend on Amazon Managed KeySpace
- Improved index life-cycle. Better index management, possibility to remove indexes.
- Support for ElasticSearch 8
- Possibility to use dedicated ScyllaDB driver when JanusGraph is used embedded
- Possibility to explicitly remove configuration options
- Possibility to use ASCI String for vertex ids
- CQL storage layer transitioned to asynchronous calls instead of a thread pool
- Enhanced CQL storage parallelism for queries using multiple slices in the same step (multiple edge labels or multiple property keys)
- Retrieval of SINGLE properties is now grouped in CQL queries (by default up to 20 properties for a single vertex)
- Added possibility to group CQL queries for different vertices stored on the same token ranges or same replica sets
- Improved batch-query (multiQuery) capabilities. Enhanced parent steps usage. Added batch-query optimisation to almost all execution steps (exception: ‘match’ step).
- Added possibility to improve parallelism for storage layer implementations by supporting multi-slice and multi-key parallelism
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.11.10, 4.0.6
- Apache HBase 2.5.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- ScyllaDB 5.1.4
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.17.8, 8.10.4
- Apache Lucene 8.11.1
- Apache Solr 8.11.1
- Apache TinkerPop 3.7.0
- Java 8, 11
Installed versions in the Pre-Packaged Distribution
- Cassandra 4.0.6
- Elasticsearch 7.17.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.4..v1.0.0
74 Oleksandr Porunov
57 Florian Hockmann
48 Jan Jansen
46 Boxuan Li
6 Florian Grieskamp
5 Pavel Ershov
3 Clement de Groc
3 Hongjiang Zhang
3 Scott Dial
1 Abhiram Iyenger
1 Allan Clements
1 Brett Kromkamp *
1 G.V() - Gremlin Database Visualizer *
1 Lionel Fleury
1 Michal Rehak *
1 Misha Brukman
1 To-om *
1 Vladimir Bogomolov
1 guy9
1 kptfh
1 sandeep mishra *
1 wforget *
* denotes first-time contributor
// excluding dependabot and merging same authors' statistics
Version 0.6.4 (October 14, 2023)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 0.6.4, see this GitHub milestone.
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.0.14, 3.11.10
- Apache HBase 1.6.0, 2.2.7
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.14.0
- Apache Lucene 8.9.0
- Apache Solr 7.7.2, 8.11.0
- Apache TinkerPop 3.5.7
- Java 1.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.3..v0.6.4
9 Oleksandr Porunov
8 Boxuan Li
7 Florian Hockmann
4 Jan Jansen
1 Allan Clements *
1 Pavel Ershov
* denotes first-time contributor
Version 1.0.0-rc2 (February 26, 2023)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/master/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 1.0.0-rc2, see this GitHub milestone.
Notable new features
- Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.6.2
- Support for Cassandra 4
- (Official) support for Java 11
- Cache performance improvements
- Upgrade to Log4j2
- Use mixed indices for numeric aggregations (min(), max(), mean(), sum())
- Support TEXTSTRING mapping in Solr
- New graph API to evaluate Gremlin scripts if JanusGraph is used embedded
- ConfiguredGraphFactory can now create different indexes for different graphs in Elasticsearch
- Add management API to remove ghost vertices
- Add possibility to remove stale graph index entries
- Improved support for Geoshapes in GraphBinary
- Remove dependency on cassandra-all
- Support TTL for CQL backend on Amazon Managed KeySpace
- Improved index life-cycle. Better index management, possibility to remove indexes.
- Support for ElasticSearch 8
- Possibility to use dedicated ScyllaDB driver when JanusGraph is used embedded
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.11.10, 4.0.6
- Apache HBase 2.5.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- ScyllaDB 5.1.4
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.17.8, 8.6.0
- Apache Lucene 8.11.1
- Apache Solr 8.11.1
- Apache TinkerPop 3.6.2
- Java 8, 11
Installed versions in the Pre-Packaged Distribution
- Cassandra 4.0.6
- Elasticsearch 7.17.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.3..v1.0.0-rc2
43 Florian Hockmann
43 Oleksandr Porunov
42 Jan Jansen
31 Boxuan Li
4 Florian Grieskamp
3 Hongjiang Zhang
3 Scott Dial
2 Pavel Ershov
1 Abhiram Iyenger
1 Brett Kromkamp *
1 Clement de Groc
1 G.V() - Gremlin Database Visualizer *
1 Lionel Fleury
1 Michal Rehak *
1 Misha Brukman
1 To-om *
1 Vladimir Bogomolov
1 guy9
1 kptfh
1 sandeep mishra *
* denotes first-time contributor
Version 0.6.3 (February 18, 2023)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 0.6.3, see this GitHub milestone.
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.0.14, 3.11.10
- Apache HBase 1.6.0, 2.2.7
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.14.0
- Apache Lucene 8.9.0
- Apache Solr 7.7.2, 8.11.0
- Apache TinkerPop 3.5.5
- Java 1.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.2..v0.6.3
12 Boxuan Li
12 Oleksandr Porunov
9 Florian Hockmann
4 Jan Jansen
2 Scott Dial *
1 Abhiram Iyenger *
1 Clement de Groc
1 Florian Grieskamp
1 Hongjiang Zhang *
1 Lionel Fleury
1 Pavel Ershov
1 dh-cloud *
1 guy9 *
* denotes first-time contributor
Release Candidate 1.0.0 RC1 (December 08, 2022)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
A list of bug features and features included in this release candidate can be found here.
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.11.10, 4.0.6
- Apache HBase 2.5.0
- Google Bigtable 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.14.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.17.5
- Apache Lucene 8.11.1
- Apache Solr 8.11.1
- Apache TinkerPop 3.6.1
- Java 8, 11
Installed versions in the Pre-Packaged Distribution
- Cassandra 4.0.6
- Elasticsearch 7.14.0
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.2..v1.0.0-rc1
44 Jan Jansen
35 Boxuan Li
34 Oleksandr Porunov
25 Florian Hockmann
3 Florian Grieskamp
2 Abhiram Iyenger
2 Clement de Groc
2 Lionel Fleury
2 guy9
1 Brett Kromkamp
1 G.V() - Gremlin Database Visualizer
1 Hongjiang Zhang
1 Michal Rehak
1 Misha Brukman
1 Pavel Ershov
1 To-om
1 Vladimir Bogomolov
1 dh-cloud
1 kptfh
1 sandeep mishra
* denotes first-time contributor
Version 0.6.2 (May 31, 2022)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 0.6.2, see this GitHub milestone.
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.0.14, 3.11.10
- Apache HBase 1.6.0, 2.2.7
- Google Bigtable 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.14.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.14.0
- Apache Lucene 8.9.0
- Apache Solr 7.7.2, 8.9.0
- Apache TinkerPop 3.5.3
- Java 1.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.1..v0.6.2
6 Oleksandr Porunov
5 Florian Hockmann
3 Boxuan Li
1 Clement de Groc
1 Dmitry Zaporozhets
1 Jan Jansen
1 Kathiresan Selvaraj
1 Misha Brukman
* denotes first-time contributor
Version 0.6.1 (January 18, 2022)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 0.6.1, see this GitHub milestone.
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.0.14, 3.11.10
- Apache HBase 1.6.0, 2.2.7
- Google Bigtable 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.14.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.14.0
- Apache Lucene 8.9.0
- Apache Solr 7.7.2, 8.9.0
- Apache TinkerPop 3.5.1
- Java 1.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.6.0..v0.6.1
12 Boxuan Li
6 Jan Jansen
5 Florian Hockmann
5 Oleksandr Porunov
4 Clement de Groc
1 Alex Leventer *
1 Lionel Fleury
1 Misha Brukman
1 Mladen Marović
* denotes first-time contributor
Version 0.6.0 (September 3, 2021)
Full documentation can be found at https://docs.janusgraph.org/
For more information on features and bug fixes in 0.6.0, see this GitHub milestone.
Notable new features
- Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.5.1
- Java 11 support
- Spark 3 support
- Added mixed index usage for count and
queries - Optimized adjacency checks with unique index
- Index selection algorithms optimization. Added possibility to configure index selection algorithms.
- Index repair jobs improvements
- General index construction optimizations
- Optimized
computation used in Fuzzy predicates - Update DataStax Cassandra driver to 4.13.0 version
- Update Lucene / Solr to 8.9.0
- Metrics collection improvements
- Many general optimizations in core
- GraphBinary serialization format support
- Added new schema maker and improvement of previous schema makers
- Added DataStax request logger
- Replaced GremlinServer with JanusGraphServer
- Added GRPC server to janusgraph-server for basic schema management
- Transactions improvements
- Improved inmemory storage backend
- Added support for Amazon Managed KeySpace
- Enhanced profiling
- Added many new configurations to better control storage and index backends
- Added configuration to use barrier size as batch size limit
- Added
method to allow clearing vertex cache - Added negations to all text predicates
- Added exists clause to negated Text predicates
- Make
configurable for parallel backend queries and CQL Store Manager - Make CQL executor service usage optional
- Accept optional custom hadoop config in
- Added multi-query and pre-fetch options to transaction builder
- Added possibility to configure internal Cassandra driver
Tested Compatibility
- Apache Cassandra 3.0.14, 3.11.10
- Apache HBase 1.6.0, 2.2.7
- Google Bigtable 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.14.0
- Oracle BerkeleyJE 7.5.11
- Elasticsearch 6.0.1, 6.6.0, 7.14.0
- Apache Lucene 8.9.0
- Apache Solr 7.7.2, 8.9.0
- Apache TinkerPop 3.5.1
- Java 1.8
$ git shortlog -sn v0.5.3..v0.6.0
109 Oleksandr Porunov
86 Boxuan Li
57 Jan Jansen
15 Pavel Ershov
13 Clement de Groc *
10 Florian Grieskamp
5 Ted Wilmes
4 Misha Brukman
3 Florian Hockmann
3 Robert Yokota *
3 kptfh *
2 Andrew Sheppard *
2 Bruno Berisso *
2 Lionel Fleury *
2 Long Tran *
1 Andrew Grosser *
1 Dmitry Kovalev
1 Elvys Soares *
1 Evgenii Ignatev
1 Ganesh Guttikonda
1 Israel Fruchter *
1 Jean Rossier *
1 Mladen Marović *
1 Nandan Tumu *
1 Nicolas Trangosi
1 Paolo Angioletti *
1 Paul Sin *
1 Scott McQuillan
1 Shivaa Krishnan *
1 Umesh Prabushitha Jayasinghe *
1 Zac Rosenbauer *
1 balchua *
1 jigs1993 *
* denotes first-time contributor
// excluding dependabot and merging same authors' statistics