- [x] Button: Functions like play, stop, record, etc.
- [x] Checkbox: Select multiple settings, like audio effect options.
- [ ] Dropdown: Select presets or audio output options.
- [x] Envelope: Interactive linear ramp visualization.
- [ ] Equalizer Curve: Show and manipulate EQ settings.
- [x] Input: Input precise parameter values.
- [x] Knob: Adjust parameters like volume, frequency, etc.
- [x] Radio: Select a single option, such as audio channel selection.
- [x] Slider: Control parameters for audio effects, such as EQ gain.
- [x] Switch: Enable or disable audio effects.
- [x] Axis: component is a component used to display axes in a chart.
- [x] LFO: Show LFO(Low Frequency Oscillator) waveform.
- [x] Light: Show the status of audio effects.
- [x] Oscilloscope: Visualizes audio waveforms in real-time, showing changes in signal amplitude and frequency over time.
- [x] Spectrogram: Display audio Spectrogram.
- [x] VU-Meter: Display realtime audio volume levels.
- [x] Waveform: Show audio waveform.
- [x] Card: Contain related information.
- [ ] Panel: Containers holding related components.
- [ ] Group: Combine related controls together.
- [x] useFetchAudio: Fetch audio file from url.
- [x] usePlayer: Player to handle audio events.
- [x] useWaveform: Generate waveform data.
- [x] useSpectrogram: Generate spectrogram data.
- [x] useOscilloscope: Generate oscilloscope data.
- [x] useVUMeter: Generate VU-Meter data.
- [ ] useEnvelope: Generate and modify envelope data.