2 days ago




iOS specific

  • Fixed: extraModulesForBridge callback not called when New Architecture enabled (c0a5c2c3cb by Bruno Aybar)
  • Enable back the opt-out from the New Architecture (9abdd619da by @cipolleschi)
  • Add missing loadFromSource method in the DefaultRNFactoryDelegate (7739615e0d by @cipolleschi)

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

9 days ago



  • Deprecated usage of HERMES_ENABLE_DEBUGGER build-time flag for enabling React Native debugger in favour of REACT_NATIVE_DEBUGGER_ENABLED and REACT_NATIVE_DEBUGGER_ENABLED_DEVONLY. (5fcb69e8b7 by @hoxyq)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/DevMenu using require may need to be appended with .default (ce84922236 by @j-piasecki)
  • Remove deprecated unstable_enableLogBox function. LogBox is enabled by default. (7368265107 by @huntie)
  • Remove com.facebook.react.modules.network.TLSSocketFactory class (e065411c91 by @mateoguzmana)
  • Deep imports to Utilities/dismissKeyboard.js, Utilities/GlobalPerformanceLogger.js or Utilities/SceneTracker.js with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (fc6ca26d3f by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to Utilities/deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev, Utilities/defineLazyObjectProperty, Utilities/DeviceInfo or Utilities/FeatureDetection with require syntax may need to be appended with '.default'. (028c0b36f6 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to Libraries/Utilities/Platform with require syntax needs to be appended with '.default'. (d98116aa44 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to Utilities/infoLog, Utilities/logError, Utilities/mapWithSeparator or Utilities/warnOnce with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (7aef81b984 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to Utilities/binaryToBase64, Utilities/DevSettings, Utilities/PolyfillFunctions or Utilities/RCTLog with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (152587cda0 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to Libraries/Utilities/BackHandler, Utilities/DevLoadingView.js or Utilities/HMRClient*.js with require syntax needs to be appended with '.default'. (827a847791 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/StyleSheet using require may need to be appended with .default (4f20362b07 by @j-piasecki)
  • Deep imports to Libraries/Utilities/differ/... with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (2b30aa5cc8 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports into react-native/virtualized-lists with require syntax may need to be appended with .default (1cf4c84ba0 by @j-piasecki)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/Modal and Libraries/Network with require syntax may need to be appended with '.default'. (28945c68da by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/PermissionsAndroid and Libraries/PushNotificationIOS with require syntax has to be appended with '.default'. (e74246bd66 by @iwoplaza)
  • Disallow invalid unitless lengths in filters (b34e63539d by @NickGerleman)
  • Remove legacy Libraries/JSInspector modules (9ba4dd81db by @huntie)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/EventEmitter and Libraries/Image/*.js with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (8783196ee5 by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/LayoutAnimation and Libraries/Linking with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (4d6785bdb5 by @iwoplaza)
  • Remove deprecated YellowBox and console.ignoredYellowBox APIs. Use LogBox. (45a2d9c5a8 by @huntie)
  • Move XHRInterceptor API to src/private/ (389779c348 by @huntie)
  • Move Libraries/Inspector/ modules to src/private/ (0bde08fe67 by @huntie)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/Lists with require syntax may need to be appended with '.default'. (e767dc3458 by @iwoplaza)
  • Disallow invalid unitless lengths in box shadows (8e2de303e3 by @NickGerleman)
  • Deep imports to modules inside Libraries/ReactNative with require syntax need to be appended with '.default'. (c93bd436a5 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Text, Libraries/Share and Libraries/Settings use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (156ee5bee7 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Components use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (aac312da8e by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Inspector use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (48d900b703 by @iwoplaza)
  • Remove some web debugging remnants (9aae84a688 by @NickGerleman)
  • Remove incorrect hwb() syntax support from normalize-color (676359efd9 by @NickGerleman)
  • Files inside Libraries/Interaction use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (bdc23fa2b4 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Utilities use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (52ffda7e55 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Text, Libraries/Share and Libraries/Settings use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (1be7e1a95f by @iwoplaza)
  • Libraries/Core/ExceptionsManager now exports a default ExceptionsManager object, and SyntheticError as a secondary export. (e5818d92a8 by @iwoplaza)
  • Removed a long-running loop causing the app to lag while attempting a connection to Metro (9b977def6c by @EdmondChuiHW)
  • Removed Libraries/Animated/AnimatedWeb.js file. (ecae8a2908 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Components use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (da695f3a20 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/WebSocket use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (7df73eebdc by @iwoplaza)
  • Removed a long-running loop causing the app to lag while attempting a connection to Metro (0e5adb9128 by @EdmondChuiHW)
  • Files inside Libraries/Components use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (ce412746b1 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Components use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (9eeef22a67 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/BugReporting, Libraries/vendor, Libraries/Vibration and Libraries/YellowBox use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (09700327f7 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Blob use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (9a70bc0418 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/BatchedBridge and Libraries/AppState use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (135277ace1 by @iwoplaza)
  • Files inside Libraries/Alert and Libraries/ActionSheetIOS use export syntax, which requires the addition of .default when imported with the CJS require syntax. (c89c5d7e3d by @iwoplaza)
  • Deep imports from some files in StyleSheet/ can break when using the require() syntax, but can be easily fixed by appending .default (e4d969a4ab by @iwoplaza)

Android specific


Android specific

  • On DefaultNewArchitectureEntryPoint class add property to specify the desired release level for an application (19c18eb995 by @jorge-cab)
  • Add support for Gradle Configuration caching (e41887e62f by @cortinico)
  • Feature flags for recycling View, Text components separately (ca5ce205f7 by Thomas Nardone)
  • Set ReactSurface and ReactRootView to ReactDelegate when created via ReactNavigationActivityDelegate (a302fbcaaf by Maddie Lord)

iOS specific


Android specific

iOS specific


iOS specific

Android specific

  • RuntimeExecutor and RuntimeScheduler constructors are now private, MapBufferSoLoader was removed as no longer required. (6c8ace9b05 by @javache)
  • Remove DevSupportManagerFactory.launchJSDevtools API (514ec4192f by @huntie)
  • Stable API - Make AnimatedNodeWithUpdateableConfig internal as it was not used in OSS (54e0b69e7e by @cortinico)
  • ViewManagerPropertyUpdater.updateProps is deprected, use the related ViewManager APIs instead (a18bc58645 by @javache)

iOS specific


Android specific

iOS specific

  • Return nullptr when USE_THIRD_PARTY_JSC is set to true (515ff1e626 by @okwasniewski)
  • Avoid race condition crash in [RCTDataRequestHandler invalidate] (6bc5ddea3e by @Saadnajmi)
  • Make React Native work without AppDelegate window property (ae7bbe06c9 by @okwasniewski)
  • Add guard for custom module provider lookup in TMManager (d0a101fbea by @shwanton)
  • Fixed TextInput's onContentSizeChange event being dispatched multiple times with the same size (2bb65717b7 by @j-piasecki)
  • Fix new arch recycled RefreshControl was missing its title (e3d607fc2e by @High5Apps)
  • Fix selection makes TextInput clear its content when using children (e3b176a598 by Olivier Bouillet)
  • Layout direction changes are now honored on bundle reload. (36f29beac4 by @chrsmys)
  • App crash caused by the [RCTFileRequestHanlder invalidate] method (789ed7d5ad by @zhouzh1)
  • Fixed onPress for Text with nested View. (6b2c40c64f by @coado)
  • RNTester: Fixes turbo module examples error in bridgeless mode (6a3e275d14 by @zhongwuzw)
  • RNTester: Fixes turbo module examples error in bridgeless mode (62831e740c by @zhongwuzw)
  • Suppressed iOS 13 deprecation warnings in RCTStatusBarManager (fffd6d75b4 by Ingrid Wang)
  • Fix cases where background color, filter, and background image were sized incorrectly if there was a scaling transform (f835b824f4 by @joevilches)
  • Fix cases where background color, filter, and background image were sized incorrectly if there was a scaling transform (acaf94dc21 by @joevilches)
  • Issue where performance monitor would be hidden under newly presented views. (e7556e921c by @chrsmys)
  • Compatibility with Ruby 3.4.0 (b1735bc593 by @okwasniewski)
  • Remove private symbols for non-simulator and non-catalyst builds. (9350d6f2f5 by @EvanBacon)
  • Re-enable enableFixForViewCommandRace feature flag (ae59702f8e by @okwasniewski)
  • Implement dataDetectorTypes in the same way as the old architecture (2ae45ec3ce by @VidocqH)
  • Fix wrong cocoapods script on new_architecture.rb (541e655832 by @CHOIMINSEOK)
  • Bridge: Fixes HostTarget use after free when deallocated bridge (3e2e8ec757 by @zhongwuzw)
  • Data race related to read/write of RCTDeviceInfo._invalidated. (2a18d83521 by @hakonk)
  • Improve detached keyboard detection, support Stage Manager on iOS (c499ae1192 by @mhoran)
  • Workaround for a iOS build app running on Apple Silicon Mac(in Xcode Destination: "Mac(Designed for iPad)") TextInput crash due to serialization attempt of WeakEventEmitter (0511e2e49a by @iwater)

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

22 days ago



  • Codegen: Separate component array types and command array types (825492b199 by @elicwhite)
  • React Native devTools: The FuseboxClient.setClientMetadata CDP method is removed. Instead, use ReactNativeApplication.enable. (1a9780f0e3 by @huntie)

Android specific

iOS specific


  • C++: Added RawValue(Runtime*, jsi::Value&) constructor to make a RawValue from a jsi::Value. (03d2186ace by @hannojg)
  • Codegen: Include cxx modules in codegen schema (cf5ab03d43 by @elicwhite)
  • Deps: Add jest-diff v29.7.0 to devDependencies (b27bd00a38 by @andrewdacenko)
  • Logging: Add support for the second parameter of console.table to specify a list of columns to print in the table. (fd0894b1c7 by @rubennorte)
  • Logging: Add "jsEngine: hermes" to JS runtime Error prototype (85bdd75828 by Maddie Lord)
  • Metro: Add opt in for legacy Metro log streaming via --client-logs flag (86db4fa90b by @huntie)
  • Text: Added pointerEvents to TextProps type. (3efbe33ce0 by @hyochan)

Android specific

  • ActivityIndicator: setting resource-id from the testID prop (87b1bad45e by @mateoguzmana)
  • Codegen: Fixing schema types for component command params of Arrays (25c673e357 by @elicwhite)
  • Gradle: Make the addition of JitPack repository configurable (a98528e609 by @cortinico)
  • Logging: SoftException categories (c832f94cf7 by Thomas Nardone)
  • Logging: Add logging in ReactInstanceManager.onHostPause when activity is incorrectly null (c2fd35a442 by Maddie Lord)
  • Runtime: Added getState method for StateWrapperImpl (ed36e896ac by @hannojg)

iOS specific

  • Codegen: Add the source parameter to generate-codegen-artifacts to avoid generating files not needed by libraries. (98b8f17811 by @cipolleschi)
  • Initialization: Implement ReactNativeFactory (081be01a5d by @okwasniewski)
  • Text: Support system font families (system-ui, ui-sans-serif, ui-serif, ui-monospace, and ui-rounded) on iOS (1763321c89 by @cxa)
  • TextInput: Integrate a new property - disableKeyboardShortcuts. It can disable the keyboard shortcuts on iPads. (0154372b93 by @rezkiy37)


Android specific

iOS specific


Android specific


Android specific

iOS specific

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

28 days ago



Android specific

iOS specific

  • Image: Load images even when the extension is implicit (bc35afefd5 by @cipolleschi)
  • Interop Layer: Avoid crashing the app when the InteropLayer can't find some methods in the native implementation. (83b986d370 by @cipolleschi)
  • Interop Layer: Properly handle null values coming from NativeModules. (475f797a51 by sammy-SC)


  • DevX: Add opt in for legacy Metro log streaming via --client-logs flag (969eb3f007 by huntie)

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

28 days ago



Stable release coming up next week.


  • Add opt in for legacy Metro log streaming via --client-logs flag (86db4fa90b by @huntie)


iOS specific

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

2025-02-11 18:54:41



Android specific

iOS specific

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

2025-02-07 00:25:21




Android specific

iOS specific


Android specific

iOS specific

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file. EOF

2025-02-06 01:54:02




iOS specific


Android specific

iOS specific

  • runtime: RCTSurfaceHostingProxyRootView no longer has different behavior (whether it calls start on the provided surface) depending on which initializer is used. Call start yourself on the surface instead. (13b93cfdda by Nolan O'Brien)
  • Be less strict with method parsing of TurboModule Interop Layer
  • Avoid crashing the app when the InteropLayer can't find some methods in the native implementation. (3bd3f101b9 by @cipolleschi)
  • Fix applicationDidEnterBackground not being called (adaceba546 by @alextoudic)

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

2025-02-04 01:46:38



iOS specific

  • Add the source parameter to generate-codegen-artifacts to avoid generating files not needed by libraries. (98b8f17811 by @cipolleschi)


Android specific

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.

2025-01-28 21:44:52




iOS specific

Hermes dSYMS:

You can file issues or pick requests against this release here.

To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the Upgrade Helper ⚛️.

View the whole changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.