An easy-to-use customizable show case view with circular reveal animation.
- Circular reveal animation (API Level 21+)
- Focus on a specific view or position
- Background color
- Circle and Rounded Rectangle focus shapes
- Title style and position
- Custom view inflation
- Custom enter/exit animations
- Chaining multiple FancyShowCaseView instances
- Showing only one time
Add this in your root build.gradle
file (not your module build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Then, add the library to your module build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.faruktoptas:FancyShowCaseView:1.4.0'
new FancyShowCaseView.Builder(this)
.title("Focus on View")
Command | Description |
focusOn |
The view to be focused. |
title |
The title text to be displayed. |
typeface |
The custom typeface for the title text. |
titleStyle |
The text style for the title. (style defined in xml file) |
titleGravity |
The gravity (alignment) of the title within the view (e.g., start, center, end). |
titleSize |
The size of the title text, typically in sp units. |
enableAutoTextPosition |
Center text position vertically. |
backgroundColor |
The background color of the view, typically in hexadecimal or resource ID format. |
fitSystemWindows |
This should be set to true, if your root view has this property set to true. |
focusShape |
The shape of the focus area (e.g., rounded rectangle, circle). |
focusBorderColor |
The color of the border around the focus area. |
focusBorderSize |
The thickness of the border around the focus area (px) |
focusDashedBorder |
Makes focus border dashed |
roundRectRadius |
The radius for rounded corners when the focus shape is a rectangle with rounded edges. Use 0 for rectangle shape. |
showOnce |
Determines if the focus should be shown only once. |
clickableOn |
Let the touch event pass through to clickable view zone only if clicking within |
focusCircleRadiusFactor |
Circle radius factor. Default value is 1. Bigger value makes bigger circle. |
focusRectSizeFactor |
Focus rectangle size factor. Default value is 1. Bigger value makes bigger rectangle. |
customView |
Use a fully customized view. If custom view used, title and title properties (titleStyle, titleGravity etc.) will be ignored. |
closeOnTouch |
Closes the FancyShowCaseView when touching it. |
enableTouchOnFocusedView |
Enables touching the focused view. Default value is false. |
enterAnimation |
exitAnimation |
animationListener |
disableFocusAnimation |
focusAnimationMaxValue |
Focus animation max value. Bigger value makes larger focus area. |
focusAnimationStep |
Step for focus animation. Default value is 1. |
focusRectAtPosition |
focusCircleAtPosition |
dismissListener |
delay |
Shows the FancyShowCaseView after a delay. |
Please see wiki for more samples.
(feel free to send me new projects)
- News - Newspaper & Magazine
- NN Senin Mobilin
- Umíme česky
- DHIS2 Capture
- Travel Weather - Forecast plan for your trip
- muSync for Spotify
Thanks to DigitalSa1nt for the Xamarin ported version Xamarin.ShowcaseView
You can contribute by opening a pull request to dev branch. Please try to push one feature in one commit for a clean commit history.
An easy-to-use customisable show case view with circular reveal animation.
最后更新于 16 days ago