V1.0.0-rc.40 Released
- Update PointSymbolizer.ts by @lzp0070007 in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2447
- fix:Defend against the issue of being unable to obtain coordinates wh… by @Criska9527 in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2451
- fix VectorLayer render Performance issues by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2450
- Geometry.Edit/Drag support altitude by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2448
- @lzp0070007 made their first contribution in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2447
- @Criska9527 made their first contribution in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2451
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.39...v1.0.0-rc.40
V1.0.0-rc.39 Released
- Path edit center vertex ignore collision by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2403
- measureLenBetween consider altitude by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2406
- Attribution control support custom by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2413
- export DefaultSpatialReference definition by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2410
- fix Line patttern animation is abnormally fast by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2412
- use babel to transpile ts codes to es5 excluding plugins causing perf issue by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2415
- fix cameraUp when pitch >= 90 by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2417
- allow to drag and zoom when mouse ray is not intersected with map by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2419
- turn on enableAltitude by default by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2420
- TileLayer _getTileBBox Consider offset by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2422
- fix missed z in translate, maptalks/issues#741 by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2425
- Fix container point out of map by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2433
- map drag support custom animation easing by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2429
- fix geo/baseobject not fire mouseout when has repeat id by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2432
- update the code of conduct reference by @emmanuel-ferdman in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2435
- Canvas simulates gradient path by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2423
- animateTo support reverse Rotation direction by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2414
- fix spec error when layer.show/hide by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2438
- disable map scroll when map zoom Exceeding Zoom limits by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2444
- fix Marker rotate Not effective when textPlacement/markerPlacement by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2441
- VectorLayer identify Ignore collided geometry by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2446
- implement text path by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2445
- @emmanuel-ferdman made their first contribution in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2435
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.37...v1.0.0-rc.39
v1.0.0-rc.33 Released
- Map event carray terrain data by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2209
- Update UIComponent.js to set offet by @wordgold in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2214
- Geometry Edit control point support collision by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2213
- map's center support altitude by @liubgithub in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2217
- synchronize map with mouse when dragging or zooming map by @liubgithub in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2210
- Enable 3d mode in DrawTool by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2218
- UIMarker content support scroll when eventsPropagation=false by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2221
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.32...v1.0.0-rc.33
v1.0.0-rc.32 Released
What's Changed
- Infowindow rectify coordinate Considering altitude by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2206
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.31...v1.0.0-rc.32
V1.0.0-rc.31 released
What's Changed
- 修复测距单位翻译错误 by @ydfzgyj in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2192
- npm includes src resouce by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2193
- fix onTileError by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2196
- Fix font by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2199
- optimize prepareCanvasFont performance by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2197
- test env config mount to globalconfig by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2195
- control position support Any CSS value by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2202
- fix infowindow Cannot scroll when customizing by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2203
- add GeoJSON.fetch for big geojson files by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2204
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.30...v1.0.0-rc.31
V1.0.0-rc.30 Released
What's Changed
- 刪首字符是否「"」之判斷 by @heangfat in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2187
- [Hot fix] worker idle support idleForceTimeThreshold by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2189
New Contributors
- @heangfat made their first contribution in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2187
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.29...v1.0.0-rc.30
V1.0.0-rc.29 Released
What's Changed
- TileLayer tweaks for better user experience by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2125
- always fire geometry edit events After processing the internal logic by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2140
- Fixed 英尺和米的换算 by @SYAHJUN11 in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2153
- fix Rectangle/Ellipse/Sector rotate not work by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2130
- fix repeated root nodes in _getPyramidTiles when zoomOffset is not 0,… by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2154
- add GlobalEvent for monitor visibilitychange/devicePixelRatio change by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2155
- DistanceTool support custom format label content by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2151
- fix GeometryCollection _toJSON error when options is null by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2147
- Provide a prompt when GeometryCollection is nested within itself by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2142
- fix UIComponent ViewPoint cal error when geometry coordinates carry z… by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2134
- fix glRes cache not clear when SpatialReference changed by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2132
- Adding translator class to handle multiple languages by @Vairgrys in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2131
- fix line draw altitude wall Not working properly fix #2167 by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2168
- fix rectangle rotate missing z value render by gl by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2160
- fix ellipse's shell, fix maptalks/issues#552 by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2178
- UIMarker Can only be added to the map by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2162
- map mousemove event add time Threshold for performance by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2138
- fix Gemetry getContainerExtent is error when markerWidth is 0 by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2176
- Some updates by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2182
- add requestIdleCallback support for performance by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2181
- fix Geometry cursor Not working properly by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2149
- VectorLayer support progressive Render by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2169
- some tweaks by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2184
- optimize vectormarker event performance when it symbol has function-type by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2186
New Contributors
- @SYAHJUN11 made their first contribution in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2153
- @Vairgrys made their first contribution in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2131
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.28...v1.0.0-rc.29
V1.0.0-rc.28 Released
What's Changed
- add support for UTM and Traverse Mercator projection by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2108
- fix Geometry not update alt cache when altitude changed by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2112
- map add drop event by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2106
- fix uicomponent autopan cal error when map position top/left >0 by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2120
- some fixes by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2124
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.27...v1.0.0-rc.28
V1.0.0-rc.27 Released
What's Changed
- fix Marker TextDesc cal error when textName Is multi line text by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2094
- optimize Eventable performance by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2102
- respect geometry events out of map by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2104
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.26...v1.0.0-rc.27
V1.0.0-rc.26 Released
What's Changed
- fix GroupGLLayer child Layer not fire identifyempty event by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2058
- fix Marker event not fire when textRotation by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2064
- Layer disable geometryEvents not hitDetect by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2063
- fix lineDasharray Not working when polygon has holes by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2070
- fix createLinearGradient error when polygon ring is linear by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2069
- DrawTool add drawprepare event by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2075
- DrawTool support set layer zIndex by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2073
- TileLayer add options.bufferPixel for custom tile buffer size by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2078
- fix text font error when textsize missing by @deyihu in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2087
- sharper image in ImageLayer, fix maptalks/issues#450 by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2089
- add terrain tile mode for TileLayer by @fuzhenn in https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/pull/2086
Full Changelog: https://github.com/maptalks/maptalks.js/compare/v1.0.0-rc.25...v1.0.0-rc.26