16 days ago

Phaser v4.0.0 Beta 3

Thanks to the community feedback in the Phaser Discord we decided to rework the way RenderFilters work:

Previously, the RenderFilters object wrapped game objects to apply Filters. This worked well in several ways, but because it replaced the existing game object, it made object references less reliable.

The decision was made to change Filters to a component on game objects. This is similar to the old FX system, but it is now built into the base GameObject, so it can be used everywhere. Filters are not FX (they're better).

For those who have been using Phaser 4 beta 1 or 2, this will change the way you use filters. The core principles are the same, however: filters are still divided into internal and external lists.

The new way to use filters is thus:

// Set up filter systems.

// Create filter controllers.
const blur = gameObject.filters.internal.addBlur();

When you run enableFilters(), Phaser creates an internal camera to handle the object's filters, and adds a RenderStep function.

By default, when there are no active filters to render, the RenderStep skips straight to renderWebGL. If you want the object to render to a framebuffer without rendering a filter, you can set gameObject.filtersForceComposite = true. This can be useful when you want to composite alpha, e.g. when you have several objects in a Container or Layer and you don't want to see them through each other, you can leave their alpha at 1, set filtersForceComposite, and reduce the alpha of gameObject.filterCamera.

Filters run focusFilters every time they render by default. This differs from RenderFilters.focus, which didn't run every time. This method ensures that the filterCamera is always locked onto the object. Some objects don't have enough properties to accurately lock on to, so the system will guess, and fall back to the screen resolution. You can run gameObject.focusFiltersOverride to manually set the camera target.

In general, this runs much like FX did - but with more control and better compatibility.

For more details about this release, please see the Dev Logs in Issue 211 of our Phaser World newsletter (due out on Friday 27th December)

2024-11-19 23:22:36

Phaser v4.0.0 Beta 2

  • Better roundPixels handling via bias.
  • UUIDs for DynamicTexture names.
    • Masks work (again). Big feature!
  • DynamicTexture can resize immediately after creation.
  • Fix shader compilation issues on diverse systems. * Shapes/Graphics should work again in Firefox. * Issues with inTexDatum should be eliminated in affected Linux systems.
  • Fix Extern and extend its rendering potential (see Beam Examples).
  • TileSprite now assigns default dimensions to each dimension separately.
  • BaseFilterShader now accesses loaded shader cache keys correctly.
2024-11-15 00:04:56

Phaser v4.0.0 Beta 1

This is the first beta release of Phaser v4.0.0. This build includes the brand new Phaser Beam renderer, that powers all of the WebGL rendering internally. We will be publishing more details about this in the coming days, but for now, you can drop in this build as a direct v3.80+ replacement and see how your game runs! Check out the README for more internal changes.

2024-11-14 20:40:07

Phaser v3.87

New Features

  • FontFile is a new File Type loader that allows you to load TTF/OTF fonts directly into Phaser, without the need for a 3rd party web font loader or CSS hacks. The loaded fonts can be used in the Text Game Objects, such as the example below:
preload ()
    this.load.font('Caroni', 'assets/fonts/ttf/caroni.otf', 'opentype');
    this.load.font('troika', 'assets/fonts/ttf/troika.otf', 'opentype');

create ()
    this.add.text(32, 32, 'The face of the moon was in shadow.', { fontFamily: 'troika', fontSize: 80, color: '#ff0000' });
    this.add.text(150, 350, 'Waves flung themselves at the blue evening.', { fontFamily: 'Caroni', fontSize: 64, color: '#5656ee' });


  • The Particle Animation State is now optional. A Particle will not create an Animation State controller unless the anim property exists within the emitter configuration. By not creating the controller it leads to less memory overhead and a much faster clean-up time when destroying particles. Fix #6482 (thanks @samme)
  • Optimized TweenData.update to achieve the same result with my less repetition. Also fixes an issue where a Tween that used a custom ease callback would glitch when the final value was set, as it would be set outside of the ease callback. It's now passed through it, no matter what. Fix #6939 (thanks @SBCGames)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the calculation of the index in GetBitmapTextSize that would lead to incorrect indexes vs. the docs and previous releases (thanks @bagyoni)
  • Utils.String.RemoveAt would incorrectly calculate the slice index if it was > 0. It will now remove the correctly specified character.

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:

@Jessime @drakang4 @BenAfonso @hatchling13

2024-10-11 21:33:46

Phaser v3.86.0


  • RenderTarget.init is a new method that will create the underlying framebuffer and texture for a Render Target. This is called in the constructor only, avoiding the need to call the resize method.
  • Phaser.GameObjects.Container#tempTransformMatrix has been removed. This was an internal private Transform Matrix. It has been replaced by a global single matrix that is used instead. This removes the need for every Container to have its own instance of this temporary matrix, reducing object allocation and memory overhead.
  • BaseCamera.renderRoundPixels is a new read-only property that is set during the Camera preRender method every frame. It is true if the Camera is set to render round pixels and the zoom values are integers, otherwise it is false. This is then fed into the MultiPipeline when rendering sprites and textures.

Bug Fixes

  • The Canvas Renderer and WebGL Multi Pipeline now uses the new renderRoundPixels boolean to determine if it can render a Sprite or a Texture with rounded position values, or not. This fixes an issue where black lines would appear between tightly grouped sprites or tiles at non-integer Camera zoom values. Fix #6907 (thanks @MarcJamesIO)
  • RenderTarget.resize will now check the autoResize property before applying the change. Textures that have been locked to a fixed size, such as FX POT buffers, will no longer be resized to the full canvas dimensions, causing Out of Memory errors on some mobile devices. Fix #6914 (thanks @mikaleerhart @DavidTalevski)
  • The Array.MoveAbove function didn't recalculate the baseIndex after the splice, meaning the item would end up in the wrong location.
  • The HexagonalTileToWorldXY function incorrectly used this instead of layer causing it to error in hex tilemaps with x axis staggering. Fix #6913 (thanks @jummy123)
  • The Text Game Object could truncate the length of the Text when setLetterSpacing was used. Fix #6915 (thanks @monteiz @rexrainbow)
  • The EXPAND Scale Mode would cause the error "Framebuffer status: Incomplete Attachment" under WebGL if the Phaser game loaded into an iframe or element with a size of 0 on either axis, such as when you load the game into a 0x0 iframe before expanding it. It now protects against divide by zero errors.
  • The RenderTarget.willResize method will now check if the values given to it are actually numbers. If not it will return false.

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:


2024-09-18 03:23:08

Phaser v3.85.2


  • WebGLRenderer.setExtensions is a new method that queries the GL context to get the list of supported extensions. Which it then sets into the class properties. This method is called internally as part of the init and restore process.

Bug Fixes

  • When the WebGL context was restored it would incorrectly try to call init.setupExtensions() which didn't exist. It now calls the correct method, WebGLRenderer.setExtensions. Fix #6905 (thanks @RedRoosterMobile)
  • TransformMatrix.setQuad has been fixed so it no longer rounds the quad dimensions, only the x/y coordinates. This fixes a bug where it could give slightly different (+- 1px) sized textures based on how the dimensions were rounded when using roundPixels on the camera. Fix #6874 (thanks @saintflow47)

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:


2024-09-06 01:44:25

Phaser v3.85.1

Version 3.85.1 - Itsuki - 5th September 2024


  • MatterJS has been updated to version 0.20.0 - Here are all the details about this update.
  • A new wrap method has been natively integrated into the Body class to replace the existing MatterWrap plugin. Here's how it works.
  • The Matter attractors plugin has been natively integrated into the Body class and Matter engine. More details here.
  • Integrated MatterCollisionEvents plugin functionality directly into the Matter.World class to handle collisions more effectively. More details here.
  • Updated Matter.World to improve the performance, accuracy, and reliability of the update method in handling physics simulations or animations. More details here.
  • Fixed Matter.World bug where group.length returns undefined. Changed to group.getLength() to correctly return number of children in a group.
  • Calling Matter.World.pause would stop the world updating, but the Runner timeLastTick wasn't reset when resume was called, causing all the bodies to advance. The time is now reset correctly. Fix #6892 (thanks @philipgriffin)

Round Pixels

Includes a Potentially Breaking Change

The way roundPixels has been handled in this release has been changed significantly. In previous versions we passed a uniform to the shaders and handled the pixel rounding on the GPU. However, this caused issues with our batching flow - for example, a Sprite would need to be rounded, but a Text or Shape object would not. This lead to complications in some parts of the render code.

In this release we have removed the shader uniform and branching and also made roundPixels default to false in the Game Config. Previously, it was true, so you may need to switch this flag if you were relying on it. Here are the results of this change:

  • The Game Config roundPixels property now defaults to false.
  • The uRoundPixels uniform has been removed from the Single, Multi and Mobile vertex shaders.
  • Setting the uRoundPixels uniform has been removed from the Single, Rope, PreFX, PostFX, Multi and Mobile WebGL Pipelines.
  • The Multi Pipeline and Blitter WebGL Renderer will now pass the camera.roundPixels value to the Transform Matrix setQuad method.
  • The Multi Pipeline batchSprite and batchTexture methods will now apply Math.floor to the sprite matrix calculations if camera round pixels is enabled.
  • BaseCamera.preRender has been removed. This method was completely overridden by Camera.preRender which is the method that contained the correct rendering logic. As the Base Camera variant was not used internally outside of Dynamic Textures, we have removed it to save space.
  • Camera.preRender has been updated to use both zoomX and zoomY for the matrix transform.
  • Camera.preRender has been updated to apply Math.floor to the scroll factor when rounding is enabled on the Camera. This fixes an issue where following sprites with Camera lerp, or heavy zoom factors, would cause 'stuttering' at sub-pixel values.

New Features - Loader

The Loader now has a new feature called maxRetries. This specifies the number of times a single File will retry loading itself should it error for whatever reason, such as poor network connectivity. The default value is 2. You can change this in the Game Config, on the LoaderPlugin instance, on the FileConfig or on the File level itself. Thanks to @pavle-goloskokovic for the suggestion.

  • loader.maxRetries is a new Game Config option to set the number of retries a file will attempt to load. The default is 2.
  • LoaderPlugin.maxRetries is a new property that holds the number of times to retry loading a single file before it fails. This property is set via the Game Config, but can also be adjusted manually. Changing it doesn't not impact files already in the load queue, only those added later.
  • FileConfig.maxRetries is a new File Config option to set the number of retries a file will attempt to load. If not specified in the config, the value is read from the LoaderPlugin.maxRetries property.
  • Loader.File.retryAttempts is the internal property holding the counter for the number of times to retry loading this file before it fails. This value is decreased after each attempt. When it reaches zero, the file is considered as failed.

New Features

  • BaseSoundManager.isPlaying is a new method that will return a boolean if the given sound key is playing. If you don't provide a key, it will return a boolean if any sound is playing (thanks @samme)
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextLost is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is lost. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextLostHandler. If you override the context loss handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextRestore is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is restored. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextRestoreHandler. If you override the context restore handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.setContextHandlers is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: contextLost and contextRestored. These allow you to overwrite the default contextLostHandler and contextRestoreHandler handlers. (thanks @yaustar)
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutPosition is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: x and y. These sets the x and y position within the source image to cut from.
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutSize is a new internal method with 2 parameters: width and height. These sets the width, and height of the area in the source image to cut. (thanks @FelipeIzolan)
  • Introduced new constants in ORIENTATION_CONST. The constants LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY and PORTRAIT_SECONDARY have been added to the Phaser.Scale.Orientation object. These constants represent the secondary landscape and portrait orientations respectively. This addition provides more granular control over device orientation handling in Phaser. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • Introduced updateConfig method in ParticleEmitter to allow dynamic updating of Particle Emitter configurations. This method enables existing properties to be overridden and new properties to be added to the emitter's configuration. It ensures that the emitter is reset with the updated configuration for more flexible particle effects management.
  • Added functionality to the Phaser.Textures.DynamicTexture#clear method. Clear a specific area within a Dynamic Texture by specifying x, y, width, and height parameters to clear only a portion of the texture. Fix #6853 (thanks @SelfDevTV)
  • Added functionality to the Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.RenderTarget#clear method. Clear a specific area within the RenderTarget by specifying x, y, width, and height parameters.
  • Added Default Image Handling in TextureManager. In the game config, set defaultImage to null to ignore loading the defaultImage.
  • Added Missing Image Handling in TextureManager. In the game config, set missingImage to null to ignore loading the missingImage.
  • Added White Image Support in TextureManager. In the game config, set whiteImage to null to ignore loading the whiteImage.
  • Phaser.Core.TimeStep#pauseDuration is a new property that holds the duration of the most recent game pause, if any, in ms (thanks @samme)
  • The Game Events#RESUME event now contains a new parameter pauseDuration which is the duration, in ms, that the game was paused for (thanks @samme)
  • Added Phaser.Loader.LoaderPlugin#removePack method to LoaderPlugin that removes resources listed in an Asset Pack.(thanks @samme)
  • When using Scene.switch you can now optionally specify a data argument, just like with Scene start, which will be passed along to the Scene that was switched to (thanks @wooseok123)
  • PRE_RENDER_CLEAR is a new event dispatched by the WebGL and Canvas Renderer. It's dispatched at the start of the render step, immediately before the canvas is cleared. This allows you to toggle the clearBeforeRender property as required, to have fine-grained control over when the canvas is cleared during render.
  • Video.getFirstFrame is a new method that can be used to load the first frame of the Video into its texture without starting playback. This is useful if you want to display the first frame of a video behind a 'Play' button, without calling the 'play' method.
  • GameObject.getDisplayList is a new method that will return the underlying list object that the Game Object belongs to, either the display list or its parent container.
  • GameObject.setToTop is a new method that will move the Game Object to the top of the display list, or its parent container (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • GameObject.setToBack is a new method that will move the Game Object to the bottom of the display list, or its parent container (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • GameObject.setAbove is a new method that will move the Game Object to appear above a given Game Object (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • GameObject.setBelow is a new method that will move the Game Object to appear below a given Game Object (thanks @rexrainbow)

WebGL Rendering Updates

  • WebGLTextureWrapper.update expanded:
    • source parameter is now type ?object, so it can be used for anything that is valid in the constructor.
    • New format parameter can update the texture format.

Updates - Input System

  • The GameObject.disableInteractive method has a new optional parameter resetCursor. If set, this will reset the current custom input cursor - regardless if the Game Object was the one that set it, or not.
  • The GameObject.removeInteractive method has a new optional parameter resetCursor. If set, this will reset the current custom input cursor - regardless if the Game Object was the one that set it, or not.
  • The InputManager.resetCursor method has a new optional boolean forceReset which will reset the state of the CSS canvas cursor, regardless if there is a given Interactive Object, or not.
  • The InputPlugin.isActive method will now check if the InputPlugin has the InputManager reference set, and if that is also enabled, as well as checking its own enabled state and that of the Scene.
  • InputPlugin.resetCursor is a new method that will reset a custom CSS cursor from the main canvas, regardless of the interactive state of any Game Objects.
  • The InputPlugin.disable method has a new optional boolean parameter resetCursor which will reset the CSS custom cursor if true.
  • InputPlugin.setCursor is a new method that will immediately set the CSS cursor to the given Interactive Objects cursor. Previously, this was hidden behind a private method in the Input Manager.

All of the core Input Plugin process methods have been rewritten. The methods that have changed are:

  • InputPlugin.processMoveEvents
  • InputPlugin.processWheelEvent
  • InputPlugin.processOverEvents
  • InputPlugin.processOutEvents
  • InputPlugin.processOverOutEvents
  • InputPlugin.processUpEvents
  • InputPlugin.processDownEvents

And they all now do the following flow:

  1. They will now iterate over the array of objects to be inspected. If the object doesn't have an input handler, or their handler has been disabled, they are skipped for event consideration.
  2. If they have an input handler, the Game Object specific event is dispatched (i.e. sprite.on('pointerdown'))
  3. The result of this call is checked. If the Event has been cancelled, or if the Input Plugin now returns isActive() false then it will break from the handler loop. This will only happen if the user explicitly tells the event to stop propogation, or if they disable either the Input Plugin, or the entire Input Manager, during the event handler. Previously, only the state of cancelled event was checked. Also previously, if the Game Objects own input handler was removed or disabled as a result of their event handler, it would break from the process loop. This no longer happens. It will carry on inspecting the remaining interactive objects in the loop, as long as the Input system itself wasn't disabled.
  4. After this, the Game Object is checked to see if it is still input enabled. If it is, the Scene level events, like this.input.on('gameobjectdown') are emitted.
  5. The results of this call are also checked. Again, if the Event has been cancelled, or if the Input Plugin now returns isActive() false then it will break from the handler loop, otherwise it carries on.
  6. After the loop is complete it does one final check to see if the Event was cancelled, or if the Input Plugin is no longer active. If both of those pass, it emits the final event from the Input Plugin itself (i.e. this.input.on('pointerdown') from a Scene)

The above flow is new in v3.85 and will catch a lot more strange edge-cases, where Game Objects, or the Event, or the whole Input system is disabled during an active event handler. The above fixes #6833 (thanks @ddanushkin), #6766 (thanks @pabloNeuronup) and #6754 (thanks @orcomarcio)

  • InputPlugin.forceDownState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'down' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceUpState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'up' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceOverState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'over' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceOutState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'out' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceState is a new internal method that forces a Game Object into the given state.


  • Added Phaser.Scale.ScaleManager.leaveFullScreenSuccessHandler method to separate Events.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN from Phaser.Scale.ScaleManager.stopFullscreen to ensure Events.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN is only emitted once when exiting fullscreen mode. (Fix #6885, thanks @Antriel)
  • Calling Timeline.pause will now pause any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.resume will now resume any currently paused Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.clear and Timeline.destroy will now destroy any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had created. Previously, active tweens would continue to play to completion (thanks @monteiz)
  • TimelineEvent has a new property called tweenInstance. If the Timeline event has a tween that has been activated, this will hold a reference to it.
  • If you create a BitmapText with an invalid key it will now throw a runtime error. Previously it just issued a console warning and then crashed (thanks @samme)
  • The console warnings when Audio files are missing/incorrect have been improved (thanks @samme)
  • The requestVideoFrame polyfill has been updated to the latest release, which should resolve some SSR framework issues. Fix #6776 (thanks @lantictac)
  • ScaleManager listeners includes checks for the screen.orientation object and adds/removes a change eventListener method to handle screen orientation changes on mobile devices. The orientationchange event is still maintained for backwards compatibility. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • When creating a new TileSprite, setting either width or height to 0 results in both values being set to the displayFrame.width and displayFrame.height. The updated logic now checks for width and height separately. If width is 0, it is set to displayFrame.width. If height is 0, it is set to displayFrame.height. Fix #6857 (thanks @GaryStanton)
  • Updated GetBitmapTextSize with improved maxWidth calculations for wrapped text.
  • Vector3.subVectors is a new method that will take 2 Vector3s, subtract them from each other and store the result in the Vector3 it was called on.
  • The TextStyle.setStyle method will no longer mutate the given style object if it includes a numeric fontSize value. Fix #6863 (thanks @stormpanda)
  • Calling the Shape.Ellipse.setSize method will internally call updateDisplayOrigin to retain position after a size change.
  • The BitmapText BatchChar function now inlines all of the matrix math, avoiding 16 function calls per character rendered.

Bug Fixes

  • The activePointers game config option is now the correct amount of touch input pointers set. Fix #6783 (thanks @samme)
  • The method TextureManager.checkKey will now return false if the key is not a string, which fixes issues where a texture could be created if a key was given that was already in use (thanks Will Macfarlane).
  • Added all of the missing Loader Config values (such as imageLoadType) to LoaderConfig, so they now appear in the TypeScript defs.
  • The EXPAND scale mode had a bug that prevented it from using the world bounds cameras, cutting rendering short. Fix #6767 (thanks @Calcue-dev @rexrainbow)
  • Calling getPipelineName() on a Game Object would cause a runtime error if running under Canvas. It now simply returns null. Fix #6799 (thanks @samme)
  • Calling the Arcade Body setPushable(false) method for circle bodies prevents the bodies from being pushed. Fix #5617 (thanks @kainage)
  • Calling addDeathZone() on a particle emitter Game Object had a bug where the DeathZone used world position coordinates. DeathZone now uses local position coordinates following the particle emitter position. Fix #6371 (thanks @vforsh)
  • Updated the GetLineToLine method in GetLineToLine to handle the case where dx1 or dy1 values is zero. This ensures the function correctly returns null in this case to prevent errors in calculations involving line segments. Fix #6579 (thanks @finscn)
  • Resolved all kerning issues in WebGL bitmap text rendering. This includes adjustments to glyph positioning and spacing, ensuring accurate and visually pleasing text display across all WebGL contexts. Fix #6631 (thanks @monteiz)
  • Fixed Group vs Group collisions failing when performing a bitwise & operation between body1.collisionMask and body2.collisionCategory. The default collisionMask value is changed to 2147483647 to correctly match any collisionCategory. Fix #6764 (thanks @codeimpossible)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where adding a space character ' ' at the end of a line did not correctly align the vertical position of the new line. The updated calculation now correctly accounts for both line height and line spacing. Fix #6717 (thanks @wooseok123)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where an extra empty line was added when setMaxWidth was called, and the width of the line was less than a word. Previously, yAdvance was incorrectly incremented by lineHeight + lineSpacing for each word, leading to an unintended increase in vertical space. The correction now calculates yAdvance based on the currentLine index, ensuring that vertical spacing accurately reflects the number of lines. Fix #6807 (thanks @AlvaroNeuronup)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where adding a space character ' ' at the end of a line caused the following line of to ignore line wrapping when using setMaxWidth. Fix #6860 (thanks @bagyoni)
  • The Matrix4.lookAtRH method would fail because it called two missing Vector3 methods.
  • The RenderTarget will now automatically listen for the Renderer resize event if autoResize is true. This fixes an issue with Bitmap Masks where they wouldn't resize if the renderer resized. Fix #6769 #6794 (thanks @pavels @seansps)
  • The Texture.getFrameBounds method will now include the BASE texture in its calculations. This prevents it from returning a size of Infinity. This fixes an issue where a Tileset with margin/spacing loaded via load.spritesheet instead of load.image would have its margin and spacing ignored. Fix #6823 (thanks @damian-pastorini)
  • If you used letter spacing on a Text Game Object, combined with stroke, the stroke would be mis-aligned. The stroke is now applied to the letter-spaced text as well (thanks @RomanFrom710)
  • The PreFXPipeline.batchQuad method will now apply Math.round to the target bounds center point. This prevents sub-pixel values during the copyTextSubImage2D call, preventing sprites with pre-fx from appearing mis-aligned during camera pans. Fix #6879 (thanks @Antriel)
  • If you had a sprite on the display list using the LightPipeline, followed by a Mesh using the LightPipeline, and you invalidated the mesh (i.e. by rotating it), it would cause a runtime error in the current batch. Fix #6822 (thanks @urueda)
  • The Arcade Physics processCallback will now correctly handle non-Game Object physics bodies and pass them to the callback (thanks @ospira)
  • If you set a WebAudioSound to loop and set SoundManager.pauseOnBlur = false, then if you start the sound and tab away from Phaser, the sound wouldn't then loop on return to the game, if the loop expired while the tab was out of focus. This was due to checking the audio source node target against the wrong internal property. Fix #6702 (thanks @michalfialadev)
  • The Mesh WebGLRenderer will now recalculate the vertexOffset correctly if the batch flushes, fixing an issue where it would display missing triangles in a mesh after a batch flush. Fix #6814 (thanks @pavels)
  • The NineSlice Game Object will now guard against an invalid texture by checking for the frame and textureFrame vars before trying to read values from them. Fix #6804 (thanks @IvanDem)
  • DOM Game Elements are now kept in the correct position when a Scene camera zooms out. Previously, they only worked if you kept their origin at 0x0, or didn't zoom the camera out. Fix #6817 #6607 (thanks @moufmouf)

Input Bug Fixes

  • The method pointer.leftButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.rightButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.middleButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.backButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.forwardButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed. Fix #6027 (thanks @michalfialadev)

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:

@AlbertMontagutCasero @Andrek25 @Antriel @leha-games @lgtome @monteiz @rexrainbow @saintflow47 @samme @ssotangkur @vankop

Deprecation Warning for the next release

The next release of Phaser will make the following API-breaking changes:

  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Map and replacing it with a regular JS Map instance. This means methods like contains and setAll will be gone.
  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Set and replacing it with a regular JS Set instance. This means methods like iterateLocal will be gone.
  • The Create.GenerateTexture, all of the Create Palettes and the create folder will be removed.
  • The phaser-ie9.js entry-point will be removed along with all associated polyfills.
  • The Spine 3 and Spine 4 plugins will no longer be updated. You should now use the official Phaser Spine plugin created by Esoteric Software.
  • The Geom.Point class and all related functions will be removed. All functionality for this can be found in the existing Vector2 math classes. All Geometry classes that currently create and return Point objects will be updated to return Vector2 objects instead.
  • We will be moving away from Webpack and using ESBuild to build the next version of Phaser.
2024-09-05 21:56:10

Phaser v3.85.0

Version 3.85.0 - Itsuki - 5th September 2024


  • MatterJS has been updated to version 0.20.0 - Here are all the details about this update.
  • A new wrap method has been natively integrated into the Body class to replace the existing MatterWrap plugin. Here's how it works.
  • The Matter attractors plugin has been natively integrated into the Body class and Matter engine. More details here.
  • Integrated MatterCollisionEvents plugin functionality directly into the Matter.World class to handle collisions more effectively. More details here.
  • Updated Matter.World to improve the performance, accuracy, and reliability of the update method in handling physics simulations or animations. More details here.
  • Fixed Matter.World bug where group.length returns undefined. Changed to group.getLength() to correctly return number of children in a group.
  • Calling Matter.World.pause would stop the world updating, but the Runner timeLastTick wasn't reset when resume was called, causing all the bodies to advance. The time is now reset correctly. Fix #6892 (thanks @philipgriffin)

Round Pixels

Includes a Potentially Breaking Change

The way roundPixels has been handled in this release has been changed significantly. In previous versions we passed a uniform to the shaders and handled the pixel rounding on the GPU. However, this caused issues with our batching flow - for example, a Sprite would need to be rounded, but a Text or Shape object would not. This lead to complications in some parts of the render code.

In this release we have removed the shader uniform and branching and also made roundPixels default to false in the Game Config. Previously, it was true, so you may need to switch this flag if you were relying on it. Here are the results of this change:

  • The Game Config roundPixels property now defaults to false.
  • The uRoundPixels uniform has been removed from the Single, Multi and Mobile vertex shaders.
  • Setting the uRoundPixels uniform has been removed from the Single, Rope, PreFX, PostFX, Multi and Mobile WebGL Pipelines.
  • The Multi Pipeline and Blitter WebGL Renderer will now pass the camera.roundPixels value to the Transform Matrix setQuad method.
  • The Multi Pipeline batchSprite and batchTexture methods will now apply Math.floor to the sprite matrix calculations if camera round pixels is enabled.
  • BaseCamera.preRender has been removed. This method was completely overridden by Camera.preRender which is the method that contained the correct rendering logic. As the Base Camera variant was not used internally outside of Dynamic Textures, we have removed it to save space.
  • Camera.preRender has been updated to use both zoomX and zoomY for the matrix transform.
  • Camera.preRender has been updated to apply Math.floor to the scroll factor when rounding is enabled on the Camera. This fixes an issue where following sprites with Camera lerp, or heavy zoom factors, would cause 'stuttering' at sub-pixel values.

New Features - Loader

The Loader now has a new feature called maxRetries. This specifies the number of times a single File will retry loading itself should it error for whatever reason, such as poor network connectivity. The default value is 2. You can change this in the Game Config, on the LoaderPlugin instance, on the FileConfig or on the File level itself. Thanks to @pavle-goloskokovic for the suggestion.

  • loader.maxRetries is a new Game Config option to set the number of retries a file will attempt to load. The default is 2.
  • LoaderPlugin.maxRetries is a new property that holds the number of times to retry loading a single file before it fails. This property is set via the Game Config, but can also be adjusted manually. Changing it doesn't not impact files already in the load queue, only those added later.
  • FileConfig.maxRetries is a new File Config option to set the number of retries a file will attempt to load. If not specified in the config, the value is read from the LoaderPlugin.maxRetries property.
  • Loader.File.retryAttempts is the internal property holding the counter for the number of times to retry loading this file before it fails. This value is decreased after each attempt. When it reaches zero, the file is considered as failed.

New Features

  • BaseSoundManager.isPlaying is a new method that will return a boolean if the given sound key is playing. If you don't provide a key, it will return a boolean if any sound is playing (thanks @samme)
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextLost is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is lost. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextLostHandler. If you override the context loss handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextRestore is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is restored. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextRestoreHandler. If you override the context restore handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.setContextHandlers is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: contextLost and contextRestored. These allow you to overwrite the default contextLostHandler and contextRestoreHandler handlers. (thanks @yaustar)
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutPosition is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: x and y. These sets the x and y position within the source image to cut from.
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutSize is a new internal method with 2 parameters: width and height. These sets the width, and height of the area in the source image to cut. (thanks @FelipeIzolan)
  • Introduced new constants in ORIENTATION_CONST. The constants LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY and PORTRAIT_SECONDARY have been added to the Phaser.Scale.Orientation object. These constants represent the secondary landscape and portrait orientations respectively. This addition provides more granular control over device orientation handling in Phaser. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • Introduced updateConfig method in ParticleEmitter to allow dynamic updating of Particle Emitter configurations. This method enables existing properties to be overridden and new properties to be added to the emitter's configuration. It ensures that the emitter is reset with the updated configuration for more flexible particle effects management.
  • Added functionality to the Phaser.Textures.DynamicTexture#clear method. Clear a specific area within a Dynamic Texture by specifying x, y, width, and height parameters to clear only a portion of the texture. Fix #6853 (thanks @SelfDevTV)
  • Added functionality to the Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.RenderTarget#clear method. Clear a specific area within the RenderTarget by specifying x, y, width, and height parameters.
  • Added Default Image Handling in TextureManager. In the game config, set defaultImage to null to ignore loading the defaultImage.
  • Added Missing Image Handling in TextureManager. In the game config, set missingImage to null to ignore loading the missingImage.
  • Added White Image Support in TextureManager. In the game config, set whiteImage to null to ignore loading the whiteImage.
  • Phaser.Core.TimeStep#pauseDuration is a new property that holds the duration of the most recent game pause, if any, in ms (thanks @samme)
  • The Game Events#RESUME event now contains a new parameter pauseDuration which is the duration, in ms, that the game was paused for (thanks @samme)
  • Added Phaser.Loader.LoaderPlugin#removePack method to LoaderPlugin that removes resources listed in an Asset Pack.(thanks @samme)
  • When using Scene.switch you can now optionally specify a data argument, just like with Scene start, which will be passed along to the Scene that was switched to (thanks @wooseok123)
  • PRE_RENDER_CLEAR is a new event dispatched by the WebGL and Canvas Renderer. It's dispatched at the start of the render step, immediately before the canvas is cleared. This allows you to toggle the clearBeforeRender property as required, to have fine-grained control over when the canvas is cleared during render.
  • Video.getFirstFrame is a new method that can be used to load the first frame of the Video into its texture without starting playback. This is useful if you want to display the first frame of a video behind a 'Play' button, without calling the 'play' method.
  • GameObject.getDisplayList is a new method that will return the underlying list object that the Game Object belongs to, either the display list or its parent container.
  • GameObject.setToTop is a new method that will move the Game Object to the top of the display list, or its parent container (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • GameObject.setToBack is a new method that will move the Game Object to the bottom of the display list, or its parent container (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • GameObject.setAbove is a new method that will move the Game Object to appear above a given Game Object (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • GameObject.setBelow is a new method that will move the Game Object to appear below a given Game Object (thanks @rexrainbow)

WebGL Rendering Updates

  • WebGLTextureWrapper.update expanded:
    • source parameter is now type ?object, so it can be used for anything that is valid in the constructor.
    • New format parameter can update the texture format.

Updates - Input System

  • The GameObject.disableInteractive method has a new optional parameter resetCursor. If set, this will reset the current custom input cursor - regardless if the Game Object was the one that set it, or not.
  • The GameObject.removeInteractive method has a new optional parameter resetCursor. If set, this will reset the current custom input cursor - regardless if the Game Object was the one that set it, or not.
  • The InputManager.resetCursor method has a new optional boolean forceReset which will reset the state of the CSS canvas cursor, regardless if there is a given Interactive Object, or not.
  • The InputPlugin.isActive method will now check if the InputPlugin has the InputManager reference set, and if that is also enabled, as well as checking its own enabled state and that of the Scene.
  • InputPlugin.resetCursor is a new method that will reset a custom CSS cursor from the main canvas, regardless of the interactive state of any Game Objects.
  • The InputPlugin.disable method has a new optional boolean parameter resetCursor which will reset the CSS custom cursor if true.
  • InputPlugin.setCursor is a new method that will immediately set the CSS cursor to the given Interactive Objects cursor. Previously, this was hidden behind a private method in the Input Manager.

All of the core Input Plugin process methods have been rewritten. The methods that have changed are:

  • InputPlugin.processMoveEvents
  • InputPlugin.processWheelEvent
  • InputPlugin.processOverEvents
  • InputPlugin.processOutEvents
  • InputPlugin.processOverOutEvents
  • InputPlugin.processUpEvents
  • InputPlugin.processDownEvents

And they all now do the following flow:

  1. They will now iterate over the array of objects to be inspected. If the object doesn't have an input handler, or their handler has been disabled, they are skipped for event consideration.
  2. If they have an input handler, the Game Object specific event is dispatched (i.e. sprite.on('pointerdown'))
  3. The result of this call is checked. If the Event has been cancelled, or if the Input Plugin now returns isActive() false then it will break from the handler loop. This will only happen if the user explicitly tells the event to stop propogation, or if they disable either the Input Plugin, or the entire Input Manager, during the event handler. Previously, only the state of cancelled event was checked. Also previously, if the Game Objects own input handler was removed or disabled as a result of their event handler, it would break from the process loop. This no longer happens. It will carry on inspecting the remaining interactive objects in the loop, as long as the Input system itself wasn't disabled.
  4. After this, the Game Object is checked to see if it is still input enabled. If it is, the Scene level events, like this.input.on('gameobjectdown') are emitted.
  5. The results of this call are also checked. Again, if the Event has been cancelled, or if the Input Plugin now returns isActive() false then it will break from the handler loop, otherwise it carries on.
  6. After the loop is complete it does one final check to see if the Event was cancelled, or if the Input Plugin is no longer active. If both of those pass, it emits the final event from the Input Plugin itself (i.e. this.input.on('pointerdown') from a Scene)

The above flow is new in v3.85 and will catch a lot more strange edge-cases, where Game Objects, or the Event, or the whole Input system is disabled during an active event handler. The above fixes #6833 (thanks @ddanushkin), #6766 (thanks @pabloNeuronup) and #6754 (thanks @orcomarcio)

  • InputPlugin.forceDownState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'down' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceUpState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'up' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceOverState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'over' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceOutState is a new method that will force the given Game Object into the 'out' input state, regardless of what state it is currently in. This will emit the relevant events accordingly.
  • InputPlugin.forceState is a new internal method that forces a Game Object into the given state.


  • Added Phaser.Scale.ScaleManager.leaveFullScreenSuccessHandler method to separate Events.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN from Phaser.Scale.ScaleManager.stopFullscreen to ensure Events.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN is only emitted once when exiting fullscreen mode. (Fix #6885, thanks @Antriel)
  • Calling Timeline.pause will now pause any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.resume will now resume any currently paused Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.clear and Timeline.destroy will now destroy any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had created. Previously, active tweens would continue to play to completion (thanks @monteiz)
  • TimelineEvent has a new property called tweenInstance. If the Timeline event has a tween that has been activated, this will hold a reference to it.
  • If you create a BitmapText with an invalid key it will now throw a runtime error. Previously it just issued a console warning and then crashed (thanks @samme)
  • The console warnings when Audio files are missing/incorrect have been improved (thanks @samme)
  • The requestVideoFrame polyfill has been updated to the latest release, which should resolve some SSR framework issues. Fix #6776 (thanks @lantictac)
  • ScaleManager listeners includes checks for the screen.orientation object and adds/removes a change eventListener method to handle screen orientation changes on mobile devices. The orientationchange event is still maintained for backwards compatibility. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • When creating a new TileSprite, setting either width or height to 0 results in both values being set to the displayFrame.width and displayFrame.height. The updated logic now checks for width and height separately. If width is 0, it is set to displayFrame.width. If height is 0, it is set to displayFrame.height. Fix #6857 (thanks @GaryStanton)
  • Updated GetBitmapTextSize with improved maxWidth calculations for wrapped text.
  • Vector3.subVectors is a new method that will take 2 Vector3s, subtract them from each other and store the result in the Vector3 it was called on.
  • The TextStyle.setStyle method will no longer mutate the given style object if it includes a numeric fontSize value. Fix #6863 (thanks @stormpanda)
  • Calling the Shape.Ellipse.setSize method will internally call updateDisplayOrigin to retain position after a size change.
  • The BitmapText BatchChar function now inlines all of the matrix math, avoiding 16 function calls per character rendered.

Bug Fixes

  • The activePointers game config option is now the correct amount of touch input pointers set. Fix #6783 (thanks @samme)
  • The method TextureManager.checkKey will now return false if the key is not a string, which fixes issues where a texture could be created if a key was given that was already in use (thanks Will Macfarlane).
  • Added all of the missing Loader Config values (such as imageLoadType) to LoaderConfig, so they now appear in the TypeScript defs.
  • The EXPAND scale mode had a bug that prevented it from using the world bounds cameras, cutting rendering short. Fix #6767 (thanks @Calcue-dev @rexrainbow)
  • Calling getPipelineName() on a Game Object would cause a runtime error if running under Canvas. It now simply returns null. Fix #6799 (thanks @samme)
  • Calling the Arcade Body setPushable(false) method for circle bodies prevents the bodies from being pushed. Fix #5617 (thanks @kainage)
  • Calling addDeathZone() on a particle emitter Game Object had a bug where the DeathZone used world position coordinates. DeathZone now uses local position coordinates following the particle emitter position. Fix #6371 (thanks @vforsh)
  • Updated the GetLineToLine method in GetLineToLine to handle the case where dx1 or dy1 values is zero. This ensures the function correctly returns null in this case to prevent errors in calculations involving line segments. Fix #6579 (thanks @finscn)
  • Resolved all kerning issues in WebGL bitmap text rendering. This includes adjustments to glyph positioning and spacing, ensuring accurate and visually pleasing text display across all WebGL contexts. Fix #6631 (thanks @monteiz)
  • Fixed Group vs Group collisions failing when performing a bitwise & operation between body1.collisionMask and body2.collisionCategory. The default collisionMask value is changed to 2147483647 to correctly match any collisionCategory. Fix #6764 (thanks @codeimpossible)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where adding a space character ' ' at the end of a line did not correctly align the vertical position of the new line. The updated calculation now correctly accounts for both line height and line spacing. Fix #6717 (thanks @wooseok123)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where an extra empty line was added when setMaxWidth was called, and the width of the line was less than a word. Previously, yAdvance was incorrectly incremented by lineHeight + lineSpacing for each word, leading to an unintended increase in vertical space. The correction now calculates yAdvance based on the currentLine index, ensuring that vertical spacing accurately reflects the number of lines. Fix #6807 (thanks @AlvaroNeuronup)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where adding a space character ' ' at the end of a line caused the following line of to ignore line wrapping when using setMaxWidth. Fix #6860 (thanks @bagyoni)
  • The Matrix4.lookAtRH method would fail because it called two missing Vector3 methods.
  • The RenderTarget will now automatically listen for the Renderer resize event if autoResize is true. This fixes an issue with Bitmap Masks where they wouldn't resize if the renderer resized. Fix #6769 #6794 (thanks @pavels @seansps)
  • The Texture.getFrameBounds method will now include the BASE texture in its calculations. This prevents it from returning a size of Infinity. This fixes an issue where a Tileset with margin/spacing loaded via load.spritesheet instead of load.image would have its margin and spacing ignored. Fix #6823 (thanks @damian-pastorini)
  • If you used letter spacing on a Text Game Object, combined with stroke, the stroke would be mis-aligned. The stroke is now applied to the letter-spaced text as well (thanks @RomanFrom710)
  • The PreFXPipeline.batchQuad method will now apply Math.round to the target bounds center point. This prevents sub-pixel values during the copyTextSubImage2D call, preventing sprites with pre-fx from appearing mis-aligned during camera pans. Fix #6879 (thanks @Antriel)
  • If you had a sprite on the display list using the LightPipeline, followed by a Mesh using the LightPipeline, and you invalidated the mesh (i.e. by rotating it), it would cause a runtime error in the current batch. Fix #6822 (thanks @urueda)
  • The Arcade Physics processCallback will now correctly handle non-Game Object physics bodies and pass them to the callback (thanks @ospira)
  • If you set a WebAudioSound to loop and set SoundManager.pauseOnBlur = false, then if you start the sound and tab away from Phaser, the sound wouldn't then loop on return to the game, if the loop expired while the tab was out of focus. This was due to checking the audio source node target against the wrong internal property. Fix #6702 (thanks @michalfialadev)
  • The Mesh WebGLRenderer will now recalculate the vertexOffset correctly if the batch flushes, fixing an issue where it would display missing triangles in a mesh after a batch flush. Fix #6814 (thanks @pavels)
  • The NineSlice Game Object will now guard against an invalid texture by checking for the frame and textureFrame vars before trying to read values from them. Fix #6804 (thanks @IvanDem)
  • DOM Game Elements are now kept in the correct position when a Scene camera zooms out. Previously, they only worked if you kept their origin at 0x0, or didn't zoom the camera out. Fix #6817 #6607 (thanks @moufmouf)

Input Bug Fixes

  • The method pointer.leftButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.rightButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.middleButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.backButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.forwardButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed. Fix #6027 (thanks @michalfialadev)

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:

@AlbertMontagutCasero @Andrek25 @Antriel @leha-games @lgtome @monteiz @rexrainbow @saintflow47 @samme @ssotangkur @vankop

Deprecation Warning for the next release

The next release of Phaser will make the following API-breaking changes:

  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Map and replacing it with a regular JS Map instance. This means methods like contains and setAll will be gone.
  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Set and replacing it with a regular JS Set instance. This means methods like iterateLocal will be gone.
  • The Create.GenerateTexture, all of the Create Palettes and the create folder will be removed.
  • The phaser-ie9.js entry-point will be removed along with all associated polyfills.
  • The Spine 3 and Spine 4 plugins will no longer be updated. You should now use the official Phaser Spine plugin created by Esoteric Software.
  • The Geom.Point class and all related functions will be removed. All functionality for this can be found in the existing Vector2 math classes. All Geometry classes that currently create and return Point objects will be updated to return Vector2 objects instead.
  • We will be moving away from Webpack and using ESBuild to build the next version of Phaser.
2024-07-24 00:01:47

Phaser v3.85.0 Beta 2

Version 3.85.0 - Itsuki - in development

Round Pixels

Includes a Potentially Breaking Change

The way roundPixels has been handled in this release has been changed significantly. In previous versions we passed a uniform to the shaders and handled the pixel rounding on the GPU. However, this caused issues with our batching flow - for example, a Sprite would need to be rounded, but a Text or Shape object would not. This lead to complications in some parts of the render code.

In this release we have removed the shader uniform and branching and also made roundPixels default to false in the Game Config. Previously, it was true, so you may need to switch this flag if you were relying on it. Here are the results of this change:

  • The Game Config roundPixels property now defaults to false.
  • The uRoundPixels uniform has been removed from the Single, Multi and Mobile vertex shaders.
  • Setting the uRoundPixels uniform has been removed from the Single, Rope, PreFX, PostFX, Multi and Mobile WebGL Pipelines.
  • The Multi Pipeline and Blitter WebGL Renderer will now pass the camera.roundPixels value to the Transform Matrix setQuad method.
  • The Multi Pipeline batchSprite and batchTexture methods will now apply Math.floor to the sprite matrix calculations if camera round pixels is enabled.
  • BaseCamera.preRender has been removed. This method was completely overridden by Camera.preRender which is the method that contained the correct rendering logic. As the Base Camera variant was not used internally outside of Dynamic Textures, we have removed it to save space.
  • Camera.preRender has been updated to use both zoomX and zoomY for the matrix transform.
  • Camera.preRender has been updated to apply Math.floor to the scroll factor when rounding is enabled on the Camera. This fixes an issue where following sprites with Camera lerp, or heavy zoom factors, would cause 'stuttering' at sub-pixel values.

New Features

  • BaseSoundManager.isPlaying is a new method that will return a boolean if the given sound key is playing. If you don't provide a key, it will return a boolean if any sound is playing (thanks @samme)
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextLost is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is lost. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextLostHandler. If you override the context loss handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextRestore is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is restored. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextRestoreHandler. If you override the context restore handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.setContextHandlers is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: contextLost and contextRestored. These allow you to overwrite the default contextLostHandler and contextRestoreHandler handlers. (thanks @yaustar)
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutPosition is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: x and y. These sets the x and y position within the source image to cut from.
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutSize is a new internal method with 2 parameters: width and height. These sets the width, and height of the area in the source image to cut. (thanks @FelipeIzolan)
  • Introduced new constants in ORIENTATION_CONST. The constants LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY and PORTRAIT_SECONDARY have been added to the Phaser.Scale.Orientation object. These constants represent the secondary landscape and portrait orientations respectively. This addition provides more granular control over device orientation handling in Phaser. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • Introduced updateConfig method in ParticleEmitter to allow dynamic updating of Particle Emitter configurations. This method enables existing properties to be overridden and new properties to be added to the emitter's configuration. It ensures that the emitter is reset with the updated configuration for more flexible particle effects management.
  • A new wrap method has been natively integrated into the Body class to replace the existing MatterWrap plugin. Here's how it works.
  • The Matter attractors plugin has been natively integrated into the Body class and Matter engine. More details here.
  • Added functionality to the Phaser.Textures.DynamicTexture#clear method. Clear a specific area within a Dynamic Texture by specifying x, y, width, and height parameters to clear only a portion of the texture. Fix #6853 (thanks @SelfDevTV)
  • Added functionality to the Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.RenderTarget#clear method. Clear a specific area within the RenderTarget by specifying x, y, width, and height parameters.
  • Added Default Image Handling in TextureManager. In the game config, set defaultImage to null to ignore loading the defaultImage.
  • Added Missing Image Handling in TextureManager. In the game config, set missingImage to null to ignore loading the missingImage.
  • Added White Image Support in TextureManager. In the game config, set whiteImage to null to ignore loading the whiteImage.
  • Phaser.Core.TimeStep#pauseDuration is a new property that holds the duration of the most recent game pause, if any, in ms (thanks @samme)
  • The Game Events#RESUME event now contains a new parameter pauseDuration which is the duration, in ms, that the game was paused for (thanks @samme)
  • Added Phaser.Loader.LoaderPlugin#removePack method to LoaderPlugin that removes resources listed in an Asset Pack.(thanks @samme)

WebGL Rendering Updates

  • WebGLTextureWrapper.update expanded:
    • source parameter is now type ?object, so it can be used for anything that is valid in the constructor.
    • New format parameter can update the texture format.


  • MatterJS updated to 0.20.0 and integrated into Phaser. Here are details about the update.
  • Integrated MatterCollisionEvents plugin functionality directly into the Matter.World class to handle collisions more effectively. More details here.
  • Updated Matter.World to improve the performance, accuracy, and reliability of the update method in handling physics simulations or animations. More details here.
  • Calling Timeline.pause will now pause any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.resume will now resume any currently paused Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.clear and Timeline.destroy will now destroy any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had created. Previously, active tweens would continue to play to completion (thanks @monteiz)
  • TimelineEvent has a new property called tweenInstance. If the Timeline event has a tween that has been activated, this will hold a reference to it.
  • If you create a BitmapText with an invalid key it will now throw a runtime error. Previously it just issued a console warning and then crashed (thanks @samme)
  • The console warnings when Audio files are missing/incorrect have been improved (thanks @samme)
  • The requestVideoFrame polyfill has been updated to the latest release, which should resolve some SSR framework issues. Fix #6776 (thanks @lantictac)
  • ScaleManager listeners includes checks for the screen.orientation object and adds/removes a change eventListener method to handle screen orientation changes on mobile devices. The orientationchange event is still maintained for backwards compatibility. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)
  • When creating a new TileSprite, setting either width or height to 0 results in both values being set to the displayFrame.width and displayFrame.height. The updated logic now checks for width and height separately. If width is 0, it is set to displayFrame.width. If height is 0, it is set to displayFrame.height. Fix #6857 (thanks @GaryStanton)
  • Updated GetBitmapTextSize with improved maxWidth calculations for wrapped text.
  • Vector3.subVectors is a new method that will take 2 Vector3s, subtract them from each other and store the result in the Vector3 it was called on.
  • The TextStyle.setStyle method will no longer mutate the given style object if it includes a numeric fontSize value. Fix #6863 (thanks @stormpanda)
  • Calling the Shape.Ellipse.setSize method will internally call updateDisplayOrigin to retain position after a size change.
  • The BitmapText BatchChar function now inlines all of the matrix math, avoiding 16 function calls per character rendered.

Bug Fixes

  • The activePointers game config option is now the correct amount of touch input pointers set. Fix #6783 (thanks @samme)
  • The method TextureManager.checkKey will now return false if the key is not a string, which fixes issues where a texture could be created if a key was given that was already in use (thanks Will Macfarlane).
  • Added all of the missing Loader Config values (such as imageLoadType) to LoaderConfig, so they now appear in the TypeScript defs.
  • The EXPAND scale mode had a bug that prevented it from using the world bounds cameras, cutting rendering short. Fix #6767 (thanks @Calcue-dev @rexrainbow)
  • Calling getPipelineName() on a Game Object would cause a runtime error if running under Canvas. It now simply returns null. Fix #6799 (thanks @samme)
  • Calling the Arcade Body setPushable(false) method for circle bodies prevents the bodies from being pushed. Fix #5617 (thanks @kainage)
  • Calling addDeathZone() on a particle emitter Game Object had a bug where the DeathZone used world position coordinates. DeathZone now uses local position coordinates following the particle emitter position. Fix #6371 (thanks @vforsh)
  • Updated the GetLineToLine method in GetLineToLine to handle the case where dx1 or dy1 values is zero. This ensures the function correctly returns null in this case to prevent errors in calculations involving line segments. Fix #6579 (thanks @finscn)
  • Resolved all kerning issues in WebGL bitmap text rendering. This includes adjustments to glyph positioning and spacing, ensuring accurate and visually pleasing text display across all WebGL contexts. Fix #6631 (thanks @monteiz)
  • Fixed Matter.World bug where group.length returns undefined. Changed to group.getLength() to correctly return number of children in a group.
  • Fixed Group vs Group collisions failing when performing a bitwise & operation between body1.collisionMask and body2.collisionCategory. The default collisionMask value is changed to 2147483647 to correctly match any collisionCategory. Fix #6764 (thanks @codeimpossible)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where adding a space character ' ' at the end of a line did not correctly align the vertical position of the new line. The updated calculation now correctly accounts for both line height and line spacing. Fix #6717 (thanks @wooseok123)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where an extra empty line was added when setMaxWidth was called, and the width of the line was less than a word. Previously, yAdvance was incorrectly incremented by lineHeight + lineSpacing for each word, leading to an unintended increase in vertical space. The correction now calculates yAdvance based on the currentLine index, ensuring that vertical spacing accurately reflects the number of lines. Fix #6807 (thanks @AlvaroNeuronup)
  • Resolved an issue in BitmapText where adding a space character ' ' at the end of a line caused the following line of to ignore line wrapping when using setMaxWidth. Fix #6860 (thanks @bagyoni)
  • The Matrix4.lookAtRH method would fail because it called two missing Vector3 methods.
  • The RenderTarget will now automatically listen for the Renderer resize event if autoResize is true. This fixes an issue with Bitmap Masks where they wouldn't resize if the renderer resized. Fix #6769 (thanks @pavels)
  • The Texture.getFrameBounds method will now include the BASE texture in its calculations. This prevents it from returning a size of Infinity. This fixes an issue where a Tileset with margin/spacing loaded via load.spritesheet instead of load.image would have its margin and spacing ignored. Fix #6823 (thanks @damian-pastorini)

Input Bug Fixes

  • The method pointer.leftButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.rightButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.middleButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.backButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.forwardButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed. Fix #6027 (thanks @michalfialadev)

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:

@lgtome @samme @AlbertMontagutCasero @rexrainbow

Deprecation Warning for the next release

The next release of Phaser will make the following API-breaking changes:

  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Map and replacing it with a regular JS Map instance. This means methods like contains and setAll will be gone.
  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Set and replacing it with a regular JS Set instance. This means methods like iterateLocal will be gone.
  • The Create.GenerateTexture, all of the Create Palettes and the create folder will be removed.
  • The phaser-ie9.js entry-point will be removed along with all associated polyfills.
  • The Spine 3 and Spine 4 plugins will no longer be updated. You should now use the official Phaser Spine plugin created by Esoteric Software.
2024-06-22 00:00:46

Phaser v3.85.0 Beta 1

Version 3.85.0 - Itsuki - in development

New Features

  • BaseSoundManager.isPlaying is a new method that will return a boolean if the given sound key is playing. If you don't provide a key, it will return a boolean if any sound is playing (thanks @samme)
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextLost is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is lost. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextLostHandler. If you override the context loss handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.dispatchContextRestore is a new internal method that is called when the WebGL context is restored. By default this is bound to the property WebGLRenderer.contextRestoreHandler. If you override the context restore handler, be sure to invoke this method in due course.
  • WebGLRenderer.setContextHandlers is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: contextLost and contextRestored. These allow you to overwrite the default contextLostHandler and contextRestoreHandler handlers. (thanks @yaustar)
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutPosition is a new internal method with 2 optional parameters: x and y. These sets the x and y position within the source image to cut from.
  • Phaser.Textures.Frame#setCutSize is a new internal method with 2 parameters: width and height. These sets the width, and height of the area in the source image to cut. (thanks @FelipeIzolan)
  • Introduced new constants in ORIENTATION_CONST.js. The constants LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY and PORTRAIT_SECONDARY have been added to the Phaser.Scale.Orientation object. These constants represent the secondary landscape and portrait orientations respectively. This addition provides more granular control over device orientation handling in Phaser. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)

WebGL Rendering Updates

  • WebGLTextureWrapper.update expanded:
    • source parameter is now type ?object, so it can be used for anything that is valid in the constructor.
    • New format parameter can update the texture format.


  • Calling Timeline.pause will now pause any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.resume will now resume any currently paused Tweens that the Timeline had started (thanks @monteiz)
  • Calling Timeline.clear and Timeline.destroy will now destroy any currently active Tweens that the Timeline had created. Previously, active tweens would continue to play to completion (thanks @monteiz)
  • TimelineEvent has a new property called tweenInstance. If the Timeline event has a tween that has been activated, this will hold a reference to it.
  • If you create a BitmapText with an invalid key it will now throw a runtime error. Previously it just issued a console warning and then crashed (thanks @samme)
  • The console warnings when Audio files are missing/incorrect have been improved (thanks @samme)
  • The requestVideoFrame polyfill has been updated to the latest release, which should resolve some SSR framework issues. Fix #6776 (thanks @lantictac)
  • ScaleManager listeners includes checks for the screen.orientation object and adds/removes a change eventListener method to handle screen orientation changes on mobile devices. The orientationchange event is still maintained for backwards compatibility. Fix #6837 (thanks @rexrainbow)

Bug Fixes

  • The activePointers game config option is now the correct amount of touch input pointers set. Fix #6783 (thanks @samme)
  • The method TextureManager.checkKey will now return false if the key is not a string, which fixes issues where a texture could be created if a key was given that was already in use (thanks Will Macfarlane).
  • Added all of the missing Loader Config values (such as imageLoadType) to LoaderConfig, so they now appear in the TypeScript defs.
  • The EXPAND scale mode had a bug that prevented it from using the world bounds cameras, cutting rendering short. Fix #6767 (thanks @Calcue-dev @rexrainbow)
  • Calling getPipelineName() on a Game Object would cause a runtime error if running under Canvas. It now simply returns null. Fix #6799 (thanks @samme)
  • Calling the Arcade Body setPushable(false) method for circle bodies prevents the bodies from being pushed. Fix #5617 (thanks @kainage)
  • Calling addDeathZone() on a particle emitter Game Object had a bug where the DeathZone used world position coordinates. DeathZone now uses local position coordinates following the particle emitter position. Fix #6371 (thanks @vforsh)
  • Updated the GetLineToLine method in GetLineToLine.js to handle the case where dx1 or dy1 values is zero. This ensures the function correctly returns null in this case to prevent errors in calculations involving line segments. Fix #6579 (thanks @finscn)
  • Resolved all kerning issues in WebGL bitmap text rendering. This includes adjustments to glyph positioning and spacing, ensuring accurate and visually pleasing text display across all WebGL contexts. Fix #6631 (thanks @monteiz)
  • Resolved an issue in GetBitmapTextSize.js where an extra empty line was added when setMaxWidth was called, and the width of the line was less than a word. Previously, yAdvance was incorrectly incremented by lineHeight + lineSpacing for each word, leading to an unintended increase in vertical space. The correction now calculates yAdvance based on the currentLine index, ensuring that vertical spacing accurately reflects the number of lines. Fix #6807 (thanks @AlvaroNeuronup)

Input Bug Fixes

  • The method pointer.leftButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.rightButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.middleButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.backButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed.
  • The method pointer.forwardButtonReleased will now return true when multiple mouse buttons are being pressed. Fix #6027 (thanks @michalfialadev)

Examples, Documentation, Beta Testing and TypeScript

Thanks to the following for helping with the Phaser Examples, Beta Testing, Docs, and TypeScript definitions, either by reporting errors, fixing them, or helping author the docs:

@lgtome @samme @AlbertMontagutCasero @rexrainbow

Deprecation Warning for the next release

The next release of Phaser will make the following API-breaking changes:

  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Map and replacing it with a regular JS Map instance. This means methods like contains and setAll will be gone.
  • We are removing Phaser.Struct.Set and replacing it with a regular JS Set instance. This means methods like iterateLocal will be gone.
  • The Create.GenerateTexture, all of the Create Palettes and the create folder will be removed.
  • The phaser-ie9.js entry-point will be removed along with all associated polyfills.