Quartz 2.5.0
Most Significant Changes This Release (over 2.4.0):
- Move to Jakarta namespace
All changes/updates:
Quartz 2.4.0
Most Significant Changes This Release:
- Quartz 2.4.0 now requires minimum Java version of Java 8
- Quartz build system moved to Gradle
- 3rd party libraries (slf4j, log4j, Hikari, etc.) upgraded to more recent versions
- Maven POMs generated from gradle declare 3rd party dependencies as "provided" scope
- Removal of old TerracottaJobStore
- "NativeJob" class removed from "quartz-jobs" artifact. This resolves security concerns related to code execution. While it is possible to safely use this Job class, it is a risk for users that don’t engage some thought. If you wish to still use this job or something like it, the source code for it can now be found as "example15".
- Example programs can now simply be executed via gradle. See the "examples_guide.txt" file in the examples folder of the quartz repository for full description and info.
All changes/updates:
Quartz 2.4.0 RC2
This is a Release Candidate for 2.4.0
Most Significant Changes This Release:
- Quartz 2.4.0 now requires minimum Java version of Java 8
- Quartz build system moved to Gradle
- 3rd party libraries (slf4j, log4j, Hikari) upgraded to more recent versions
- Maven POMs generated from gradle declare 3rd party dependencies as "provided" scope
- Removal of old TerracottaJobStore
- "NativeJob" class removed from "quartz-jobs" artifact. This resolves security concerns related to code execution. While it is possible to safely use this Job class, it is a risk for users that don’t engage some thought. If you wish to still use this job or something like it, the source code for it can now be found as "example15".
- Example programs can now simply be executed via gradle. See the "exmaples_guide.txt" file in the examples folder of the quartz repository for full description and info.
All changes/updates:
Quartz 2.4.0 RC1
This is a Release Candidate for 2.4.0
Most Significant Changes This Release:
- Quartz 2.4.0 now requires minimum Java version of Java 8
- Quartz build system moved to Gradle
- 3rd party libraries (slf4j, log4j, Hikari) upgraded to more recent versions
- Maven POMs generated from gradle declare 3rd party dependencies as "provided" scope
- Removal of old TerracottaJobStore
- "NativeJob" class removed from "quartz-jobs" artifact. This resolves security concerns related to code execution. While it is possible to safely use this Job class, it is a risk for users that don’t engage some thought. If you wish to still use this job or something like it, the source code for it can now be found as "example15".
- Example programs can now simply be executed via gradle. See the "exmaples_guide.txt" file in the examples folder of the quartz repository for full description and info.
All changes/updates:
Quartz 2.3.2
This a bug fix release containing fixes for:
- #508 : Error with H2 1.4.200
- #505 : CronTrigger.getTriggerBuilder() changes misfire instruction from "ignore misfire" to "smart"
- #491 : StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggerToAcquire may not respect maxCount
- #490 : Return at most maxCount triggers
- #482 : Update C3P0 version to (CVE-2019-5427)
- #474 : StdSchedulerFactory ConcurrentModificationException reading system properties
- #467 : Security: XXE in initDocumentParser
- #294 depen: Update hikaricp-java6:2.3.13 to hikaricp-java7:2.4.13
- #316 depen: Updated C3P0 version to
- #147 bugfix: Fix BINARY to BLOG type for job data for hsqldb
- #156 bugfix: Fix null string used in thread name with DirectSchedulerFactory
- #159 bugfix: Fix extra bad char tick on drop table qurtz_fired_triggers for postgres
- #146 bugfix: Release BLOCKED triggers in releaseAcquiredTrigger
- #212 bugfix: QuartzInitializerListener: fix a typo
- #193 bugfix: Job execution context impl returns incorrect recovering job key
- #172 bugfix: Miss notify SchedulerListeners in QuartzScheduler.java
- #220 bugifx: DailyTimeIntervalTrigger failed to set endingDailyAfterCount = 1
- #160 improv: Add drop table if exists check in sql script for postgres
- #214 improv: Reuse JobBuilder.storeDurably(boolean) in JobBuilder
- #281 improv: Fix no setter for dataSource property validateOnCheckout
- #264 improv: Fix no setter for dataSource property discardIdleConnectionsSeconds
- #245 improv: Sybase: Changed varchar length TRIGGER_NAME from 80 to 200
- #340 improv: Use all-caps table names in the liquibase script
- #189 improv: NPE thrown when acquiring next trigger due to null next fire time value
- #268 improv: Add configurable params for StdRowLockSemaphore for Failure obtaining db row lock
- #293 build: Setup Azure CI server for Quartz project
- #66 build: Remove unused 'svn' requirement during maven package build
- #301 build: Improve project with readme, and license changes log
- #302 build: Update mvnw wrapper to use Maven 3.6.0
- #226 build: Replace maven-forge-plugin with maven-jar-plugin
- #170 docs: Minor fix and improvement on Javadoc
- #203 docs: Minor fix and improvement on Javadoc
- #360 docs: Update docs and migrate it into main source repository