- Add spring.validation.method.adapt-constraint-violations property #43886
- Add support for configuring the Redis database using spring.data.redis.url #43813
- Add support for detecting AWS Advanced JDBC Wrapper to DatabaseDriver #43812
- Remove APIs that were deprecated for removal in 3.5 #43788
- Switch relevant Assert calls to throw IllegalStateException rather than IllegalArgumentException #43779
- Add support for ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD when using bitnami/postgresql with Docker Compose #43771
- Add marker information to ECS structured logging #43768
- Deprecate ConditionOutcome.inverse() #43739
- Introduce dedicated annotation to deal with boolean property conditions #43704
- DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration should not enable DataSourceProperties as it does not use them #43603
- Add info contributor support for JDK 24's VirtualThreadSchedulerMXBean #43594
- Logback StructuredLogFormatter exceptions are not visible to the user #43575
- Use SQLExceptionTranslator bean if defined #43511
- Allow specifying a different management access log prefix #43434
- Ensure DefaultErrorAttributes adds JSON serialization safe errors #43330
- Add a configuration property to customize the Tomcat connector's max parameter count #43286
- Add TaskDecorator support for scheduled tasks #43190
- Tighten rules around profile naming #43176
- Make ZipkinHttpClientSender the default BytesMessageSender #43085
- Add support for Vibur DBCP connection pool to DataSourceBuilder #42903
- JacksonAutoConfiguration should retain modules registered in Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer with higher precedence rather than overwriting them #42836
- Stop publishing spring-boot-parent #42828
- Add spring.data.redis.lettuce.read-from property #42588
- Configure specific GraphQL schema files #42792
- Auto-configure the Postgres application_name when using Docker Compose #42460
- Expose SslBundle information via actuator metrics #42030
- GraphQL auto-configuration should not back off when existing GraphQlSource bean #33096
- Property metadata for "logging.structured.json.customizer" has incorrect type #43921
- Structured logging properties have no effect in a native image #43913
- GraylogExtendedLogFormatProperties throws NullPointerException when only 'logging.structured.gelf.host' is specified #43880
- NoClassDefFoundError when using JUnit to test a Gradle 7.6.x app that depends on spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure but not on org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher #43870
- Docker Compose support for ClickHouse does not allow an empty password when ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes #43831
- Spring Boot 3.4 is not compatible with Gson 2.10 #43818
- docker compose ps now fails due to unknown --orphans flag with 2.23 or earlier #43718
- CapturedOutput is empty when using Log4J2 StatusLogger #43707
- Several auto-configurations are creating JMX beans unnecessarily #43706
- Document that the
annotation processor cannot generate description and defaultValue metadata for external types #43930 - Fix description of management.metrics.graphql.autotime.enabled #43906
- Document that support for clean on validation error has been removed in Flyway 11 #43890
- Document 'base64:' prefix support #43836
- Document handling of
beans in ConditionalOnSingleCandidate's javadoc #43834 - Javadoc of DataSourceBuilder does not reference all supported types #43733
- Document that system libraries are a reason to customize the builder and switch away from builder-jammy-java-tiny #43731
- Update OpenTelemetry section in Supported Monitoring Systems to refer to OTLP instead #43730
- Consistently document the minimum supported versions of Gradle #43726
- Make application main class explicit in usage help of SpringApplicationAotProcessor #43614
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 6.1.5 #43795
- Upgrade to Artemis 2.39.0 #43666
- Upgrade to AssertJ 3.27.3 #43667
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.16.1 #43892
- Upgrade to Caffeine 3.2.0 #43893
- Upgrade to Commons Codec 1.17.2 #43796
- Upgrade to Commons DBCP2 2.13.0 #43668
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.7.7 #43853
- Upgrade to Flyway 11.2.0 #43894
- Upgrade to FreeMarker 2.3.34 #43671
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.6.5.Final #43895
- Upgrade to HikariCP 6.2.1 #43672
- Upgrade to HtmlUnit 4.9.0 #43942
- Upgrade to HttpCore5 5.3.2 #43801
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.1.4.Final #43914
- Upgrade to Jaybird 6.0.0 #43675
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.10 #43803
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.18 #43854
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.9.0 #43676
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.5.2.RELEASE #43677
- Upgrade to Liquibase 4.31.0 #43896
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.16 #43679
- Upgrade to MariaDB 3.5.1 #43680
- Upgrade to Maven Invoker Plugin 3.9.0 #43681
- Upgrade to Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.11.2 #43682
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.15.0-M1 #43757
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.5.0-M1 #43758
- Upgrade to Mockito 5.15.2 #43683
- Upgrade to MySQL 9.2.0 #43915
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.117.Final #43855
- Upgrade to OpenTelemetry 1.46.0 #43805
- Upgrade to Oracle Database #43686
- Upgrade to Oracle R2DBC 1.3.0 #43687
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.7.5 #43856
- Upgrade to Pulsar 3.3.4 #43897
- Upgrade to Quartz 2.5.0 #43688
- Upgrade to R2DBC MariaDB 1.3.0 #43689
- Upgrade to R2DBC MySQL 1.3.1 #43690
- Upgrade to Rabbit AMQP Client 5.24.0 #43691
- Upgrade to Rabbit Stream Client 0.21.0 #43692
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2024.0.2 #43759
- Upgrade to Selenium 4.28.1 #43943
- Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 4.27.0 #43694
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.2.2 #43760
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.1.2 #43761
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.2.2 #43762
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.5.0-M1 #43767
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.3.2 #43763
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.3.0-M1 #43765
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.2.2 #43764
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.5.0-M1 #43766
- Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #43857
- Upgrade to Versions Maven Plugin 2.18.0 #43696
- Upgrade to Vibur 26.0 #43806
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@YangSiJun528, @YongGoose, @arefbehboudi, @hezean, @izeye, @jxblum, @mpalourdio, @nosan, @panic08, @quaff, @vpavic, and @wickdynex
- Property metadata for "logging.structured.json.customizer" has incorrect type #43916
- GraylogExtendedLogFormatProperties throws NullPointerException when only 'logging.structured.gelf.host' is specified #43863
- Structured logging properties have no effect in a native image #43862
- Docker Compose support for ClickHouse does not allow an empty password when ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes #43790
- docker compose ps now fails due to unknown --orphans flag with 2.23 or earlier #43717
- Build info timestamp is truncated to seconds #43617
- FileWatcher used for SSL reload does not support symlinks #43604
- BindableRuntimeHintsRegistrar should handle TypeNotPresentException #43600
- CapturedOutput is empty when using Log4J2 StatusLogger #43578
- Spring Boot 3.4 is not compatible with Gson 2.10 #43442
- NoClassDefFoundError when using JUnit to test a Gradle 7.6.x app that depends on spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure but not on org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher #43340
- Document that the
annotation processor cannot generate description and defaultValue metadata for external types #43929 - Fix description of management.metrics.graphql.autotime.enabled #43905
- Document 'base64:' prefix support #43835
- Document handling of
beans in ConditionalOnSingleCandidate's javadoc #43826 - Javadoc of DataSourceBuilder does not reference all supported types #43732
- Update OpenTelemetry section in Supported Monitoring Systems to refer to OTLP instead #43729
- Consistently document the minimum supported versions of Gradle #43725
- Document that system libraries are a reason to customize the builder and switch away from builder-jammy-java-tiny #43716
- Links to the Javadoc of Jakarta Messaging are invalid #43662
- Paragraph HTML tags are rendered as-is in Maven Plugin reference documentation #43623
- Javadoc link for jakarta.xml.bind is invalid #43607
- Documentation still has references to 'layertools' #43605
- Javadoc of ConstructorBinding should not use markdown formatting #43599
- Managed Dependency Coordinates lists Spock and OkHttp dependencies that are not managed #43584
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 6.1.5 #43791
- Upgrade to Commons Codec 1.17.2 #43720
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.7.7 #43843
- Upgrade to FreeMarker 2.3.34 #43721
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.6.5.Final #43910
- Upgrade to HttpCore5 5.3.2 #43792
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.12.Final #43911
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.10 #43793
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.18 #43844
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.4.2.RELEASE #43609
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.16 #43715
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.14.3 #43745
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.4.2 #43746
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.117.Final #43845
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.7.5 #43846
- Upgrade to Pulsar 3.3.4 #43912
- Upgrade to R2DBC MySQL 1.3.1 #43722
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2024.0.2 #43747
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.2.2 #43748
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.1.2 #43749
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.2.2 #43750
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.3.2 #43751
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.2.2 #43752
- Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #43723
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@arefbehboudi, @dreis2211, @gavarava, @hezean, @izeye, @jxblum, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @quaff, and @tmaciejewski
- POSTGRESQL_USERNAME and POSTGRESQL_DATABASE are ignored when using the Bitnami PostgreSQL image with Docker Compose #43787
- docker compose ps now fails due to unknown --orphans flag with 2.23 or earlier #43710
- Build info timestamp is truncated to seconds #43612
- FileWatcher used for SSL reload does not support symlinks #43586
- BindableRuntimeHintsRegistrar should handle TypeNotPresentException #43598
- Document that the
annotation processor cannot generate description and defaultValue metadata for external types #43925 - Fix description of management.metrics.graphql.autotime.enabled #43904
- Document 'base64:' prefix support #43809
- Update OpenTelemetry section in Supported Monitoring Systems to refer to OTLP instead #43727
- Javadoc of DataSourceBuilder does not reference all supported types #43724
- Links to the Javadoc of Jakarta Messaging are invalid #43661
- Paragraph HTML tags are rendered as-is in Maven Plugin reference documentation #43622
- Javadoc link for jakarta.xml.bind is invalid #43606
- Documentation still has references to 'layertools' #43601
- Javadoc of ConstructorBinding should not use markdown formatting #43590
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 6.1.5 #43799
- Upgrade to FreeMarker 2.3.34 #43719
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.12.Final #43909
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.10 #43800
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.18 #43840
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.16 #43568
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.13.10 #43740
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.3.8 #43741
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.117.Final #43841
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.7.5 #43842
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.14 #43742
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.0.8 #43743
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.1.8 #43744
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@arefbehboudi, @dreis2211, @gavarava, @hezean, @izeye, @jxblum, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @quaff, and @tmaciejewski
- KafkaProperties fail to build SSL properties when the bundle name is an empty string #43563
- Diagnostics are poor when property resolution throws a ConversionFailedException #43559
- SpringApplicationShutdownHandlers do not run in deterministic order #43536
- Unable to find a
results in misleading error message #43507 - With multiple ResourceHandlerRegistrationCustomizer beans in the context, only one of them is used #43497
- Unable to use Docker Compose support when mixing dedicated and shared services #43472
- Kafka dependency management does not include the kafka-server module #43454
- Docker API version is incorrectly reported when '/_ping` calls fail and version should be fixed #43452
- Methods to build producer / consumer properties from KafkaProperties are inconvienenent to use without an SSL bundle #43448
- Failures in -Djarmode=tools do not consistently return a non-zero exit #43436
- HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder replaces the existing defaultRequestConfigCustomizer rather than adding to it #43429
- spring-boot-maven-plugin sets imagePlatform even if it's empty #43424
- OnBeanCondition fails to match on annotations when using Scoped Proxies #43423
- Failure analysis for InvalidConfigurationPropertyValueException doesn't correctly handle fuzzy matching of environment variables #43382
- H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration causes early initialization of DataSource beans #43359
- Accept progress on numbers >2GB #43356
- Servlet-based UserDetailsServiceAutoConfiguration is active in a reactive app #43334
- StructuredLoggingJsonMembersCustomizer implementations declared in spring.factories with a generic type more specific than Object are not called #43312
- Overriding log level with an environment variable does not work when using an environment prefix #43307
- Management endpoint access and enabled properties are ignored unless the endpoint ID is an exact match #43302
- UnsupportedOperationException when starting a Maven shaded application on Java 21 with virtual threads enabled #43291
- JmsListener failing with Narayana (pooled ConnectionFactory) since 3.4.0 #43277
- SslBundle can no longer open store file locations without using a 'file:' prefix #43274
- TestRestTemplate does not allow redirects to be customized #43258
- Testcontainers start() methods may be started multiple times #43253
- Fix typo in documentation #43558
- Document that server.ssl.cipher and server.ssl.enabled-protocols are not fallbacks used with SSL bundles #43552
- Use
in Maven examples for configuring an annotation processor #43544 - Fix typo #43519
- Links to logback javadoc are incorrect #43456
- Fix JUnit javadoc links #43428
- Reference documentation incorrectly uses 'disabled' rather than 'none' for access restrictions #43351
- Restore System property in Logging section of the reference documentation #43342
- Fix link to proxyBeanMethods in
javadoc #43325 - Fix links to Servlet and JPA javadoc #43324
- Link to
instead of the deprecated@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity
#43315 - Document that StructuredLoggingJsonMembersCustomizer implementations may optionally take constructor parameters #43314
- Update javadoc of StructuredLoggingJsonMembersCustomizer to note that implementations can registered through spring.factories #43313
- Fix Javadoc link for Hikari #43311
- Document how to use structured logging with custom log configuration #43301
- Update Javadoc since for OtlpMetricsProperties and OtlpTracingProperties #43249
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.15.11 #43529
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.7.6 #43500
- Upgrade to CycloneDX Maven Plugin 2.9.1 #43398
- Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.1.7 #43543
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.15.5 #43399
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.6.4.Final #43566
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 8.0.2.Final #43510
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.18.2 #43401
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.16 #43488
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.16 #43468
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.11.4 #43530
- Upgrade to Log4j2 2.24.3 #43501
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.14.2 #43408
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.4.1 #43409
- Upgrade to Native Build Tools Plugin 0.10.4 #43403
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.116.Final #43548
- Upgrade to Prometheus Client 1.3.5 #43503
- Upgrade to Pulsar 3.3.3 #43405
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.10 #43539
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2024.0.1 #43410
- Upgrade to RxJava3 3.1.10 #43406
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.2.1 #43411
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.4.1 #43412
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 5.2.1 #43477
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.1.1 #43413
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.2.1 #43414
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.4.1 #43478
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.4.1 #43415
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.3.1 #43416
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.10 #43417
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.2.1 #43418
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.11 #43486
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.4.2 #43419
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.4.1 #43420
- Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #43407
- Upgrade to Thymeleaf 3.1.3.RELEASE #43469
- Upgrade to Thymeleaf Extras SpringSecurity 3.1.3.RELEASE #43470
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.34 #43471
- Upgrade to Zipkin Reporter 3.4.3 #43467
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@BenchmarkingBuffalo, @Jae-Young98, @arefbehboudi, @izeye, @kgb-financial-com, @minwoo1999, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @onobc, @quaff, @scordio, @sobychacko, and @vonZeppelin
- KafkaProperties fail to build SSL properties when the bundle name is an empty string #43561
- With multiple ResourceHandlerRegistrationCustomizer beans in the context, only one of them is used #43494
- Kafka dependency management does not include the kafka-server module #43450
- Failures in -Djarmode=tools do not consistently return a non-zero exit #43435
- SpringApplicationShutdownHandlers do not run in deterministic order #43430
- Failure analysis for InvalidConfigurationPropertyValueException doesn't correctly handle fuzzy matching of environment variables #43380
- Diagnostics are poor when property resolution throws a ConversionFailedException #43378
- Unable to find a
results in misleading error message #43357 - H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration causes early initialization of DataSource beans #43337
- Accept progress on numbers >2GB #43328
- Overriding log level with an environment variable does not work when using an environment prefix #43304
- Methods to build producer / consumer properties from KafkaProperties are inconvienenent to use without an SSL bundle #43300
- UnsupportedOperationException when starting a Maven shaded application on Java 21 with virtual threads enabled #43284
- Unable to use Docker Compose support when mixing dedicated and shared services #40139
- Fix typo in documentation #43557
- Fix typo #43512
- Links to logback javadoc are incorrect #43439
- Fix JUnit javadoc links #43383
- Document that server.ssl.cipher and server.ssl.enabled-protocols are not fallbacks used with SSL bundles #43353
- Restore System property in Logging section of the reference documentation #43341
- Use
in Maven examples for configuring an annotation processor #43329 - Fix link to proxyBeanMethods in
javadoc #43323 - Fix links to Servlet and JPA javadoc #43320
- Link to
instead of the deprecated@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity
#43308 - Fix Javadoc link for Hikari #43305
- Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.1.7 #43542
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 8.0.2.Final #43509
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.16 #43487
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.16 #43463
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.7.2 #43502
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.13.9 #43388
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.3.7 #43389
- Upgrade to Native Build Tools Plugin 0.10.4 #43385
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.116.Final #43549
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.13 #43390
- Upgrade to RxJava3 3.1.10 #43386
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.3.4 #43391
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 5.1.3 #43474
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.0.7 #43392
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.16 #43393
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.3.4 #43475
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.3.7 #43476
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.2.6 #43394
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.10 #43395
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.1.7 #43396
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.11 #43485
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.3.6 #43527
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.3.5 #43397
- Upgrade to Thymeleaf 3.1.3.RELEASE #43464
- Upgrade to Thymeleaf Extras SpringSecurity 3.1.3.RELEASE #43465
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.34 #43466
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.3.18.Final #43387
- Upgrade to Zipkin Reporter 3.4.3 #43462
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@BenchmarkingBuffalo, @kgb-financial-com, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @quaff, @scordio, and @sobychacko
- Add withDefaultRequestConfigCustomizer method to HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder #43139
- Fail JsonWriter if duplicate names are detected #43041
- Add JsonObjectDeserializer.nullSafeValue method that accepts a mapper Function #42972
- Support timeout property for GraphQL over SSE #42966
- Improve performance of ConfigurationPropertiesBinder by storing bind handlers on first access #42950
- Improve performance of ConcurrentReferenceCachingMetadataReaderFactory #42949
- Log warning in HikariCheckpointRestoreLifecycle if pool suspension isn't configured #42937
- Remove spring-boot-starter-aop dependency from spring-boot-starter-data-jpa and spring-boot-starter-integration #42934
- Jersey body handling is inconsistent with Spring Webflux and Spring MVC #43209
- Classes are accidentally named "structure logging" instead of "structured logging" #43203
- StructuredLoggingJsonProperties customizer should be a Class reference rather than a String #43202
- Cannot package OCI image when 'docker.io/paketobuildpacks/new-relic' is provided as a buildpack #43171
- Incorrect Type for 'management.endpoints.access.default' defined in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json #43154
- WebServerPortFileWriter fails when using a portfile without extension #43117
- SslOptions.isSpecified() only returns true if ciphers and enabled protocols are set #43084
- SslHealthIndicator throws NullPointerException when using SslBundle with SslStoreBundle.NONE #43078
- JdkClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder and JettyClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder do not set Ciphers or Enabled Protocols #43077
- Root cause of errors is hidden when loading images from archive #43070
- mvn spring-boot:run fails on Windows with "Could Not Find or Load Main Class" when path contains non-ASCII characters #43062
- A
on the output of a FactoryBean is not reset #43053 - Logback logging system does not process URLs with paths not ending in .xml #42990
- Bean-based conditions do not consider factory beans correctly when determining if they are a candidate #42970
- NPE in bootBuildImage when setting DOCKER_CONTEXT=default #42960
- Warning due to duplicate MockResolver extensions #42957
- HttpHostConnectException is thrown when using buildpacks with Gradle or Maven on Windows #42952
- build-info doesn't support seconds since the epoch from project.build.outputTimestamp #42936
- NPE in OnClassCondition.resolveOutcomesThreaded following thread interruption because firstHalf is null #42926
- Default WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer is always overriding custom channel executor #42924
- X-Registry-Auth header sent to Docker Engine API contains field "authHeader" #42915
- ApplicationContextRunner has inconsistent behaviour with duplicate auto-configuration class names #17963
- Migrate class references to full javadoc links #43239
- Documentation for 'spring.datasource.type' is misleading #43199
- Update "Upgrading From" section to use "2.x" #43160
- Include spring-boot-loader in API documentation #43153
- Document how and where to add custom GraalVM configuration files #43074
- Rework DataSource configuration examples to separate defining an additional DataSource and defining a DataSource of a different type #43059
- Location of the layers schema is incorrect in the Maven Plugin's examples #43033
- Link to Eclipse setup instructions #42954
- Fix link to Checkpoint and Restore status page #42939
- Upgrade to ActiveMQ 6.1.4 #43128
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.15.10 #43097
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.7.5 #43098
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.15.4 #43129
- Upgrade to Flyway 10.20.1 #43130
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.24 #43099
- Upgrade to Hibernate 6.6.2.Final #43100
- Upgrade to HttpClient5 5.4.1 #43102
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.11.Final #43131
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.18.1 #43103
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.15 #43104
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.15 #43105
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.8.1 #43106
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.4.1.RELEASE #43185
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.12 #43107
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.36 #43186
- Upgrade to Maven Dependency Plugin 3.8.1 #43108
- Upgrade to Maven Failsafe Plugin 3.5.2 #43109
- Upgrade to Maven Surefire Plugin 3.5.2 #43110
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.14.1 #43187
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.4.0 #43120
- Upgrade to MongoDB 5.2.1 #43111
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.115.Final #43133
- Upgrade to Prometheus Client 1.3.3 #43112
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.9 #43188
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2024.0.0 #43015
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.2.0 #43016
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.4.0 #43017
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 5.2.0 #43018
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.1.0 #43019
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.2.0 #43020
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.4.0 #43021
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.4.0 #43022
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.3.0 #43023
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.8 #43189
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.2.0 #43024
- Upgrade to Spring RESTDocs 3.0.3 #43025
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.4.1 #43232
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.4.0 #43027
- Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.20.4 #43243
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.33 #43134
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.3.18.Final #43166
- Upgrade to WebJars Locator Lite 1.0.1 #43135
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@ahoehma, @deki, @izeye, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @quaff, and @wickdynex
- This release upgrades to OpenTelemetry 1.38.0, see this issue comment for more details.
- Spring Boot 3.3.x dependencies do not converge for Micrometer Tracing and OpenTelemetry #43200
- Cannot package OCI image when 'docker.io/paketobuildpacks/new-relic' is provided as a buildpack #43170
- WebServerPortFileWriter fails when using a portfile without extension #43116
- SslOptions.isSpecified() only returns true if ciphers and enabled protocols are set #43083
- Root cause of errors is hidden when loading images from archive #43069
- mvn spring-boot:run fails on Windows with "Could Not Find or Load Main Class" when path contains non-ASCII characters #43051
- Logback logging system does not process URLs with paths not ending in .xml #42989
- NPE in bootBuildImage when setting DOCKER_CONTEXT=default #42959
- build-info doesn't support seconds since the epoch from project.build.outputTimestamp #42935
- NPE in OnClassCondition.resolveOutcomesThreaded following thread interruption because firstHalf is null #42925
- X-Registry-Auth header sent to Docker Engine API contains field "authHeader" #42914
- A
on the output of a FactoryBean is not reset #31204
- Documentation for 'spring.datasource.type' is misleading #43198
- Update "Upgrading From" section to use "2.x" #43159
- Include spring-boot-loader in API documentation #43151
- Document how and where to add custom GraalVM configuration files #43073
- Rework DataSource configuration examples to separate defining an additional DataSource and defining a DataSource of a different type #43058
- Location of the layers schema is incorrect in the Maven Plugin's examples #43032
- Link to Eclipse setup instructions #42953
- Fix link to Checkpoint and Restore status page #42938
- Update HttpWebServiceMessageSenderBuilder javadoc #42893
- Move default value descriptions to "description" in logging property metadata #42881
- Upgrade to
/asciidoctor-extensions 1.0.0-alpha.14 #43150 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 6.1.4 #43146
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.24 #43095
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.11.Final #43147
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.17.3 #43036
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.15 #43093
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.15 #43037
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.12 #43038
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.36 #43181
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.13.8 #43182
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.3.6 #43000
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.115.Final #43148
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.9 #43183
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.12 #43002
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.1.8 #43004
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.0.6 #43006
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.15 #43008
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.3.6 #43010
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.2.5 #43011
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.8 #43184
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.1.6 #43012
- Upgrade to Spring RESTDocs 3.0.3 #43014
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.3.5 #43013
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.33 #43149
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@ahoehma, @izeye, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @quaff, and @wickdynex
- Cannot package OCI image when 'docker.io/paketobuildpacks/new-relic' is provided as a buildpack #43126
- WebServerPortFileWriter fails when using a portfile without extension #43115
- SslOptions.isSpecified() only returns true if ciphers and enabled protocols are set #43082
- Logback logging system does not process URLs with paths not ending in .xml #42986
- NPE in bootBuildImage when setting DOCKER_CONTEXT=default #42958
- build-info doesn't support seconds since the epoch from project.build.outputTimestamp #42922
- X-Registry-Auth header sent to Docker Engine API contains field "authHeader" #42910
- NPE in OnClassCondition.resolveOutcomesThreaded following thread interruption because firstHalf is null #41709
- Root cause of errors is hidden when loading images from archive #31243
- Documentation for 'spring.datasource.type' is misleading #43193
- Update "Upgrading From" section to use "2.x" #43123
- Rework DataSource configuration examples to separate defining an additional DataSource and defining a DataSource of a different type #43054
- Link to Eclipse setup instructions #42918
- Update HttpWebServiceMessageSenderBuilder javadoc #42868
- Move default value descriptions to "description" in logging property metadata #42848
- Document how and where to add custom GraalVM configuration files #42515
- Upgrade to Groovy 4.0.24 #43088
- Upgrade to Infinispan 14.0.33.Final #43229
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.15 #43090
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.18.22 #43091
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.36 #43177
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.12.13 #43178
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.2.12 #42994
- Upgrade to MongoDB 4.11.5 #43092
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.115.Final #43144
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.9 #43179
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.12 #42995
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.1.8 #42996
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2023.1.12 #42997
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.15 #42999
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.2.11 #43001
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.1.10 #43003
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.8 #43180
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.0.12 #43005
- Upgrade to Spring RESTDocs 3.0.3 #43007
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.2.8 #43009
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.33 #43145
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@ahoehma, @izeye, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @quaff, and @wickdynex
- Update web services support to make use of ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder #42886
- Add requestFactorySettings method to RestTemplateBuilder #42885
- Rename RestTemplateBuilder 'set' methods #42884
- Unify default HTTP client redirect behavior and provide configuration option #42879
- Add Testcontainers and docker compose support for ClickHouse #42837
- Support ResourceLoader delegation from ApplicationResourceLoader #42835
- Add support for ClickHouse JDBC driver in enum DatabaseDriver #42815
- Add property to control export of OTLP logs #42813
- Remove remaining functionality that has been deprecated for removal in 3.4.0 #42780
- Add support for auto-configuring an indexed reactive session repository #42604
- Detect accidental misconfiguration of JsonMixin annotation #42592
- Support Reactor Netty in ClientHttpRequestFactories #42587
- Add property to specify Docker Compose flags #42571
- Rename OtlpAutoConfiguration to OtlpTracingAutoConfiguration #42529
- Add connect timeout properties for OTLP logging and tracing #42528
- Add management.otlp.logging.transport property #42527
- Use builder-jammy-java-tiny when using Buildpacks #42508
- Allow structure logging JSON to be customized #42486
- Raise the minimum supported version of Gradle 8 to 8.4 #42481
- Harmonize configuration properties that accept a comma-separated list of values #42478
- Allow common messages to be specified for message sources #42472
- Provide a configuration property for configuring Jetty's max form keys #42448
- Provide service connection support for Hazelcast #42416
- Make OtlpMeterRegistry virtual thread aware #42407
- Improve SpringEnvironmentLookup exception to hint that the log4j2 file must have '-spring' suffix #42405
- Allow auto-configured org.jooq.Configuration to be used to create a custom DSLContext #42400
- Add support for partitioned cookies #42316
- Deprecate support for injecting DynamicPropertyRegistry in favor of DynamicPropertyRegistrar beans #41996
- Warn when the user provides volume mounts with sensitive targets when building images #41643
- Shut down management server only once main server is shut down #41002
- Export SBOM contained in native-image #40630
- Introduce
to make it easier to configure Spring Batch to use a custom task executor #40040 - Restrict actuator access based on read/write/delete operations via configuration #39046
- Provide a way to further customize underlying ClientHttpRequestFactory components #39035
- Autoconfigure Undertow/XNIO for virtual thread support #38819
- Provide a mechanism for easily configuring global client HTTP request factory settings #36266
- Running mvn spring-boot:run with classpaths that exceeds Windows' length limits leaves temporary files #42845
- ClassNotFoundException is thrown when loading protocol resolvers from ForkJoinPool task #42839
- Report produced by ConditionReportApplicationContextFailureProcessor is always empty in a failed test #42786
- Case-insensitive comparisons may be adversely affected by the user's locale #42736
- server.tomcat.reject-illegal-header has been deprecated since 2.7.12 and should have been removed in 3.3.0 #42731
- DataSourceProperties#driverClassIsLoadable should not print a stacktrace to the error stream when it fails #42684
- Some
infrastructure remains undeprecated #42499 - Auto-configuration for Rabbit Streams doesn't consider RabbitConnectionDetails #42491
(Missing)Bean(annotation = …) infers the type to match when used on a@Bean
method #42484- ActiveMQ Artemis Connection Factory creation fails in native image #42422
- Duplicate meter binding when context contains multiple registries, none are primary, and one or more is a composite #42398
- Profiles are not active when the environment is prepared with an AOT-optimized application #41562
- Update HttpWebServiceMessageSenderBuilder javadoc #42894
- Document HttpClientAutoConfiguration updates #42888
- Update web services documentation following HTTP client changes #42887
- Move default value descriptions to "description" in logging property metadata #42882
- Document that embedded Tomcat must be at least 10.1.25 #42869
- Update documentation where we recommend a
on one bean and@Primary
on another to suggest a single bean with defaultCandidate=false #42831 - Fix systemd example configuration #42806
- Document that the exact behavior of the maximum HTTP request header size property is server-specific #42790
- Clarify why
is recommended when defining your own ObjectMapper that replaces JacksonAutoConfiguration's #42788 - Polish javadoc for Binder#bindOrCreate(String, Class) #42779
- Document that Tomcat's maxQueueCapacity need to be greater than 0 #42727
- Remove stale link to jar-to-war getting started guide #42722
- Fix typos and formatting errors in documentation #42721
- Fix case used for examples in "Sanitize Sensitive Values" #42703
- Fix Regex javadoc links #42686
- Document how Map properties are bound from environment variables #42673
- Improve classpath index documentation for reproducible builds #42644
- Improve documentation for CycloneDX integration #42629
- Remove links to Spring Data GemFire #42597
- Documentation is missing MyCustomFormat.kt example #42594
- Link to Framework's docs about
's autowireCandidate and defaultCandidate #42586 - Order alphabetically the sections in Common Application Properties #42521
- Improve the javadoc describing when
(Missing)Bean will infer the type to match #42506 - Document how to handle MANIFEST.MF in native image with Maven #42477
- Fix links to Micrometer reference doc #42473
- Polish documentation #42455
- Polish javadoc of TestImage for consistency #42426
- Add Javadoc since for PrometheusScrapeEndpoint(PrometheusRegistry, Properties) #42419
- Remove note about graceful shutdown with Tomcat requiring 9.0.33 or later as we now require 10.1.x #42383
- Document support for Java 23 #42381
- Prohibit upgrades to Undertow 2.3.18.Final #42769
- Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.15.7 #42867
- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.7.4 #42647
- Upgrade to CycloneDX Maven Plugin 2.9.0 #42648
- Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.15.3 #42760
- Upgrade to Flyway 10.20.0 #42761
- Upgrade to GraphQL Java 22.3 #42842
- Upgrade to HtmlUnit 4.5.0 #42820
- Upgrade to HttpClient5 5.4 #42675
- Upgrade to HttpCore5 5.3.1 #42843
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.10.Final #42650
- Upgrade to Jackson 2.18.0 #42480
- Upgrade to Jaybird 5.0.6.java11 #42762
- Upgrade to Jedis 5.2.0 #42651
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.9 #42652
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.14 #42654
- Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 4.0.8 #42653
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.14 #42821
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.11.3 #42822
- Upgrade to Log4j2 2.24.1 #42657
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.11 #42763
- Upgrade to Maven Failsafe Plugin 3.5.1 #42659
- Upgrade to Maven Help Plugin 3.5.1 #42823
- Upgrade to Maven Invoker Plugin 3.8.1 #42824
- Upgrade to Maven Javadoc Plugin 3.10.1 #42401
- Upgrade to Maven Surefire Plugin 3.5.1 #42660
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.14.0-RC1 #42555
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.4.0-RC1 #42556
- Upgrade to Mockito 5.14.2 #42764
- Upgrade to MongoDB 5.2.0 #42662
- Upgrade to MySQL 9.1.0 #42765
- Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 5.25.0 #42570
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.114.Final #42663
- Upgrade to OpenTelemetry 1.43.0 #42664
- Upgrade to Pooled JMS 3.1.7 #42665
- Upgrade to Prometheus Client 1.3.2 #42825
- Upgrade to Pulsar 3.3.2 #42666
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.8 #42826
- Upgrade to R2DBC Pool 1.0.2.RELEASE #42766
- Upgrade to R2DBC Postgresql 1.0.7.RELEASE #42767
- Upgrade to Rabbit Stream Client 0.18.0 #42768
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2024.0.0-RC1 #42557
- Upgrade to Selenium 4.25.0 #42668
- Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 4.25.0 #42827
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 3.2.0-RC1 #42558
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.4.0-RC1 #42559
- Upgrade to Spring Batch 5.2.0-RC1 #42560
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.1.0-RC1 #42561
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.2.0-RC3 #42833
- Upgrade to Spring GraphQL 1.3.3 #42844
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 2.4.0-RC2 #42572
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.4.0-RC1 #42563
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 3.3.0-RC1 #42564
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.7 #42565
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.2.0-RC1 #42566
- Upgrade to Spring RESTDocs 3.0.2 #42745
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.10 #42567
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.4.0-RC1 #42568
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.4.0-RC1 #42692
- Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #42846
- Upgrade to Testcontainers 1.20.3 #42847
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.31 #42671
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@1328032567, @IMWoo94, @anthonydahanne, @arefbehboudi, @choi-hyeseong, @eddumelendez, @gkdis6, @izeye, @jeonghyeon00, @mmoayyed, @mturbe, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, @qingbozhang, @quaff, and @woosung1223
- Running mvn spring-boot:run with classpaths that exceeds Windows' length limits leaves temporary files #42841
- Report produced by ConditionReportApplicationContextFailureProcessor is always empty in a failed test #42785
- Case-insensitive comparisons may be adversely affected by the user's locale #42735
- DataSourceProperties#driverClassIsLoadable should not print a stacktrace to the error stream when it fails #42683
- Some
infrastructure remains undeprecated #42498 - Auto-configuration for Rabbit Streams doesn't consider RabbitConnectionDetails #42490
- ClassNotFoundException is thrown when loading protocol resolvers from ForkJoinPool task #42468
- ActiveMQ Artemis Connection Factory creation fails in native image #42421
- Duplicate meter binding when context contains multiple registries, none are primary, and one or more is a composite #42397
- Document that embedded Tomcat must be at least 10.1.25 #42849
- Fix systemd example configuration #42805
- Document that the exact behavior of the maximum HTTP request header size property is server-specific #42789
- Clarify why
is recommended when defining your own ObjectMapper that replaces JacksonAutoConfiguration's #42787 - Polish javadoc for Binder#bindOrCreate(String, Class) #42778
- Document that Tomcat's maxQueueCapacity need to be greater than 0 #42726
- Remove stale link to jar-to-war getting started guide #42723
- Fix typos and formatting errors in documentation #42718
- Fix case used for examples in "Sanitize Sensitive Values" #42702
- Fix Regex javadoc links #42685
- Document how Map properties are bound from environment variables #42672
- Improve classpath index documentation for reproducible builds #42643
- Remove links to Spring Data GemFire #42596
- Order alphabetically the sections in Common Application Properties #42520
- Improve the javadoc describing when
(Missing)Bean will infer the type to match #42505 - Document how to handle MANIFEST.MF in native image with Maven #42476
- Fix links to Micrometer reference doc #42467
- Polish documentation #42454
- Add Javadoc since for PrometheusScrapeEndpoint(PrometheusRegistry, Properties) #42406
- Remove note about graceful shutdown with Tomcat requiring 9.0.33 or later as we now require 10.1.x #42382
- Document support for Java 23 #42380
- Improve documentation for CycloneDX integration #41506
- Prohibit upgrades to Undertow 2.3.18.Final #42756
- Upgrade to CycloneDX Maven Plugin 2.8.2 #42631
- Upgrade to GraphQL Java 22.3 #42757
- Upgrade to Infinispan 15.0.10.Final #42632
- Upgrade to Jaybird 5.0.6.java11 #42752
- Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.9 #42633
- Upgrade to Jetty 12.0.14 #42635
- Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 4.0.8 #42634
- Upgrade to jOOQ 3.19.14 #42818
- Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.10.5 #42637
- Upgrade to Logback 1.5.11 #42753
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.13.6 #42543
- Upgrade to Micrometer Tracing 1.3.5 #42544
- Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 5.25.0 #42628
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.114.Final #42639
- Upgrade to Pooled JMS 3.1.7 #42640
- Upgrade to Pulsar Reactive 0.5.8 #42819
- Upgrade to R2DBC Pool 1.0.2.RELEASE #42754
- Upgrade to R2DBC Postgresql 1.0.7.RELEASE #42755
- Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2023.0.11 #42545
- Upgrade to Spring Authorization Server 1.3.3 #42546
- Upgrade to Spring Data Bom 2024.0.5 #42547
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.14 #42548
- Upgrade to Spring GraphQL 1.3.3 #42742
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 6.3.5 #42549
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 3.2.7 #42550
- Upgrade to Spring Pulsar 1.1.5 #42551
- Upgrade to Spring RESTDocs 3.0.2 #42743
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 2.0.10 #42552
- Upgrade to Spring Security 6.3.4 #42553
- Upgrade to Spring Session 3.3.3 #42554
- Upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.31 #42642
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@IMWoo94, @arefbehboudi, @izeye, @jeonghyeon00, @ngocnhan-tran1996, @nosan, and @quaff